Google Domains Already #1 in Google for “Domains”

When you think of the term “domains,” is Google the first company you think about? Despite the fact that Google Domains is a relatively new entry into the consumer facing domain registrar business, is already ranking #1 in Google for the “domains” keyword. follows at #2 and GoDaddy ranks #3 for the “domains” search term.

Google’s Keyword Planner demonstrates the value of having the #1 ranking for this term. According to the Keyword Planner Tool, there are 12,100 monthly searches for “domains.” The “suggested bid” for this keyword is $11.43, which seems fairly expensive to me. Comparatively, the “domain names” keyword is searched almost 3x as much with a monthly search volume of 33,100. The suggested bid for this term is $14.84.

Google’s rise to the top of the search results for this keyword is a bit surprising to me, but maybe it shouldn’t be all that surprising. When Google announced the launch of the Google Domains product, the company received a tremendous amount of publicity and press. The company is still receiving publicity (and links), and the links and trust are major components of search results. That being said, it is still surprising that Google has already gotten to the top rank for this keyword because it is not really widely known yet for its domain registrar business (as far as I am concerned).

On other domain industry keywords, Google doesn’t fare as well. Here is the top result for some other domain name related keywords:

  • Domain name – GoDaddy
  • Domain names – GoDaddy
  • Domain –
  • Buy a domain name – GoDaddy
  • Domain name registrar – Wikipedia
  • Register a domain name – GoDaddy
  • Domain name search –
  • Domain registration – GoDaddy
  • Domain lookup –
  • Domain name registration – Network Solutions

Last week I wrote an article about a report that said Google won’t be making an aggressive push in the domain space. Whether this holds true or not, having a top result in Google for a well searched keyword such as “domains” will be helpful to the company in its customer acquisition efforts. I think it will be difficult for Google Domains to compete with other registrars, but having solid Google rankings will be helpful for the company in their customer acquisition efforts.

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Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


    • Doesn’t rank for me in Canada either, but last I checked Google domains wasn’t available outside the US, not sure if that has changed.

  1. Well, Google does have the highest Page Rank of any website on the internet.

    It is hard to understand how the CPC for a product can be higher than the price of the product but then again a if a domain has a $1 profit margin and the person renews it for 10 years… There are also the upsells like hosting which can be $10++ a month.

  2. This is interesting. The result that’s showing up is a subdomain. This could show a number of things, including that the second level domain reputation in search is passed somewhat to the first level domain. It could also show hat having “domains” in the actual indexed URL at the subdomain level is valuable.

  3. >> Google again is abusing their position as a search engine, IMO.

    I don’t think this is the case. They know their own algorithm and how to optimize for their own algorithm. But you have to keep in mind that they put the page (that ranks) on a strong domain, and they are plenty of links to it:

    6500 links
    382 domains

    • Elliot, Godaddy’s links:

      354,000 links
      4909 domains

      But, when it comes to anchor text, Google had GoDaddy beat, by far. Most linking to GoDaddy use ‘godaddy’ in the anchor text. But most linking to Google Domains include “domains” in the anchor text, and that’s what is making Google Domains rank above GoDaddy.

      If GoDaddy changed their official name to “GoDaddy Domains” they would have a better chance of outranking “Google Domains”. So, when it comes to naming a product or service, it’s best to name it with your main keyword in mind. 😉

      BTW, you can look at the anchor text for “domains” here:

    • as an seo getting into domaining for the first time (I picked up the bug somewhere along the way, as I daily peruse the expired and auction lists, for seo these things are valued for about as different reasons as you could possibly get) – I am often (no offense I know its all a lot to keep track of, changing constantly and this is true no doubt for domaining as well – hence my need to study the way things work on this end of things)….

      but just had to jump in here – as EMDs used to work amazingly well for ranking (they still can – typically though anything beyond 2 word exact match domains and you’re working against yourself)… emd simply being the exact search term – but you knew that im sure… this applies equally to .com, .net and .org but not others… or did – until google rolled out penguin/panda and the seo Armageddon several years ago…

      Today using anchor text that even smells of optimization with keywords is asking for trouble – as its a single word that helps a little, but most experienced seos who havent been forced out of the industry (and many have – google have been IMHO to some very large extent unethical and self-serving in the way they have gone about such updates – literally destroying tens if not hundreds of thousands of SMBs – those who cant afford to switch to Adwords anyway… conspiracy sounding? maybe but even if not, the net result is huge brand names – with brand name domains – AND mostly brand name anchors are the winners (google has said as much)….

      godaddy having mostly godaddy anchors is a plus – having the term(s) you want to rank for as anchors a big no no (depending on link quantity between 0.25% and 1% is maybe ok for your exact keyword – 5-10% maybe with a partial match (ie. “they sell a lot of domains despite much controversy”)

      most anchors (in a natural profile – and gdaddy is not as they have a history of sneaking thousands of links into customer sites and other naughty practices)… will be naked urls (anchor is, brand = godaddy or variation, generic = click here – and a very few keywords)….

      these days its way more about authority and trust of who links to you – not about the anchors…. keyword in domain ( I have hundreds of emds from years back still – used to rank a miracle – but only cause it couldnt tell whether a brand name or not)… these days if you have keywords in domain, unless a GIANT brand (yeah google just might count) keyword anchors should be avoided that much more

      just my 2cents from an experienced SEO eager to learn more on the Domain trading front, cheers

    • Not to be nasty, Jim, but your statement about anything beyond two words appears to be total unfounded nonsense that you’re simply pulling out of your own mind, and I question where on earth you could possibly even be basing such a bold and unfounded assertion as if it is true.

      I just completed the sale of a two word EMD for “$xx,xxx.” Just this moment after reading your post, I decided to search the term in Google. The #1 nonpaid search result on page #1 is a three word .com, as is also the #4 result there, as is also #8. I have personally had a four word .com very high near the top on page #1 for a very long time before, and to the best of my recollection I believe it even occupied the #1 spot for a fair while as well. There have probably been more of mine that did that as well that I don’t even recall right now. Doubtless we could right now find countless examples that blow your comment out of the water and demonstrate that it is simply something you have made up from your own mind, though I don’t doubt you actually believe what has sprung from your own mind here.

      Your statement not only does not appear to make any sense whatsoever, but it also simply flies in the face of reality and the simple facts, i.e., where sites with excellent urls beyond two words really appear.

    • And P.S., Jim:

      I’d take a nice big giant long four worder like “” over a vast multitude of less valuable one and two word .com’s any day of the week, and I’d bet more than four figures now that Elliot Silver and whole bunch of other visitors here would happily do that, too. In fact, I have a one word .com I’d trade for it in a nanosecond. And I seriously doubt I’m out on a limber either in suggesting that it would be pure and total nonsense to suggest that a domain like that would somehow be bad or “asking for trouble” (LOL).

    • not to be nasty?

      wow i wonder what your nasty is

      I am advanced with this stuff – i know what im talking about – so whatever i was just trying to share my expertise

    • It was hard and frankly not possible for me not to be completely blunt about it, Jim, but try to believe I was not trying to be nasty. As I expressed, there was just no way to sugar coat it. I don’t bear you any ill will whatever your agenda is here. Now I do also honestly hold big questions or doubts about your sincerity and wonder if you have an agenda, though. To put it even more candidly, I wonder whether you are actually lying or delusional. That might sound nasty, too, but it’s not – just being really straightforward and honest with you. No matter what you say about yourself here, however, obviously you simply do not know what you are talking about at all in your bold and baseless assertions about domains longer than two words, and how one is “asking for trouble” with them. A statement like that alone is even frankly laughable and absurd.

      It’s too bad I don’t want to say which search I used for the domain I just sold that already disproves your “claim,” because I like to remain anonymous here, but as I already indicated there is no doubt we can find countless examples of longer domains ranked high on page 1 in pluralities, even also sometimes dominating at the top like the one I have just alluded to. And of course, in your claims of your own personal expertise which you have also indicated you were trying to share here, you have not exactly addressed the lovely four word example I gave. If you happen to have any like “” that you want to get rid of based on your “theory” I definitely have some much shorter ones I would trade you for any day of the week, and no doubt many other visitors here would as well.

  4. Of course they are at the top. It’s their system. It’s only a matter of time until they are at the top for all related search terms. It’s what they do, focus on an industry, take it over. Look at ppc, gone. Can’t blame them, everyone would do it if they were in their shoes.
    Everything will soon be “the World according to Gargoogle”. Look at the recent downgrade on affiliate sites. It’s ok for them to sell other peoples products via their site but all of a sudden an exact match domain with affiliate ads is not a valid or useful site?? Nice.
    Wait until they take over banking. Googlecoins/googlpay coming to a wallet near you. etc, etc, etc.

    When is the class action coming? A recent study showed that up to 98% of the clicks on paid ads were bots? They have become rich by bot clicks. Unreal.

  5. And here’s a point I suspect almost no one is thinking about here:

    “According to the Keyword Planner Tool, there are 12,100 monthly searches for “domains.” The “suggested bid” for this keyword is $11.43, which seems fairly expensive to me. Comparatively, the “domain names” keyword is searched almost 3x as much with a monthly search volume of 33,100. The suggested bid for this term is $14.84.”

    Forget about the direct topic of Elliot’s post here for just one moment now. What else does this tell you?

    It tells you that sometimes longer is better and more valuable than shorter, despite the myth and bias that tends to predominate in people’s thinking about domains and their value (sorry, that would be “domain names” and their value 🙂 ). Sure, there is no question that shorter is very *often* more valuable, but it’s not about absolutes and “100%’s”; it’s about looking at things more honestly and completely, and sometimes thinking honestly outside the confines of “the box” when required.

    So the numbers, as presented here in black and white by Elliot no less, don’t lie: here is just one case in which people search for, think of, and seek out “domain names” far more than than the much shorter single word concept “domains.” And that means something, and requires the appropriate adjustment to one’s thinking and preconceived notions on the matter industrywide as well.

    • logically makes sense….
      but google doesnt rank based on logic as per my above reply…. not these days

      (you get into even riskier waters the longer an optimized, keyword based domain name becomes – 2 words for now is not red flagged as easily – but 3 and up your asking for trouble, especially 1+ years out, just too risky)… I know that anathema to domaining valuations (from my research, like i mention im an seo of 5+ years but have become super curious about domaining – having bought a few hundred or so hot industry names for investment, not seo reasons (those would be aged domains with past history of use – more the better if not abused – and lots of good natural links… what the name is matters very little for the moment – though shorter abbreviations are often best – as maryslawnmowers-com is hard to turn into a weddingphotography site !)

    • See what I just wrote to you above – your comment about anything beyond two words is simply total nonsense that doesn’t hold any water. Sorry, and that’s not to be nasty, Jim, but just no way to sugar coat it here.

  6. Cons:
    exact match domain still very important ( 2nd and 4th result)
    DA stronger PA.
    EMD > DA
    EMD And High DA is Best.
    Some opinions! thank you!

  7. Elliot, Godaddy’s links:

    354,000 links
    4909 domains

    But, when it comes to anchor text, Google had GoDaddy beat, by far. Most linking to GoDaddy use ‘godaddy’ in the anchor text. But most linking to Google Domains include “domains” in the anchor text, and that’s what is making Google Domains rank above GoDaddy.

    If GoDaddy changed their official name to “GoDaddy Domains” they would have a better chance of outranking “Google Domains”. So, when it comes to naming a product or service, it’s best to name it with your main keyword in mind.

    BTW, you can look at the anchor text for “domains” here:

  8. godaddy having mostly godaddy anchors is a plus – having the term(s) you want to rank for as anchors a big no no (depending on link quantity between 0.25% and 1% is maybe ok for your exact keyword – 5-10% maybe with a partial match (ie. “they sell a lot of domains despite much controversy”)


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