Domain Investor Pledges a $250,000 Matching Donation to Local Hospital

If you attend a domain conference, one of the people you will want to meet is Roy Flanders. He is one of the original domain investors, and he owns some fantastic domain names.

I don’t know him well, but Roy seems like a private individual, so I won’t mention his domain names, although you’ve probably seen his name more than once while using DomainTools to look up domain names, and you’ve also seen it in  DNJournal.

Recently, Roy made local news in his hometown of Nantucket, Massachusetts by issuing a matching donation challenge to the Nantucket Cottage Hospital. If the Hospital is able to raise $250,000 from new donors, Roy will match that so the Hospital receives half a million dollars total.

You can read about the challenge on the Mahon About Town Nantucket Arts and Social Newsletter, and I am sure they would appreciate your donations to help reach the goal. You can also make a donation on the hospital website if you’d like to help.

If you aren’t interested in making a donation but you do want to learn more about Roy, the newsletters has some interesting information about his background. He’s an interesting guy, knows just about everyone that makes waves in the domain space, and he’s using his financial resources to help a local hospital.

It’s nice to see domain investors giving back and doing good things.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Roy is passionate about this cause for personal reasons. This will be part of his legacy with much more to come…
    A great guy doing great things for Nantucket’s critically needed hospital.

  2. Elliot,

    ‘So great of you- and something tells me, Rob Grant in your ear- to give this (and me) some “press” on this! Especially nice since you and I have only “glanced” off each other over so many domain “dog and pony shows” – I only use that term to aggravate so many indispensable friends! But hey, Rick, Howard, Ammar- so many fine folks- where would we all be without all those gigs! All the drinks; the fine meals… what memories! What a DELIGHT to meet up, however quickly, or tangentially, with such a diverse and brilliant bunch!

    Sorry Elliot, I got side-tracked! (I now can blame that stuff on “chemo-brain”). It means a LOT that you picked up on this! (Want a Twinkie? I cornered the market out here on Nantucket.) But over the years I’ve made some close pals (like Rob, Brian, Ammar, Frank…) and so many wonderful others… Damned; a writer asked me just last week: (“How…”) How I got into the “Domain Business…” Back in ’93, ’94 all these things were FREE! And here we are today! Each of us with a slightly different story to tell. It’s FUN stuff. And with luck, it will be FUN for a long time. Thanks Elliot!

  3. Thanks Elliot! I think that “fight” is over. The truth is the “big battle” is not against Cancer, but rather against “the treatment for cancer!” So if you ever hit that… moment, please call me before you make a single move. I am a “Board Certified Hypochondriac.” (My own physician says that’s not true, since she claims I actually HAVE or have HAD all them afflictions.) It balances out– I’ve had SO much fun, I should have been arrested! So now I pay 😉

    Thanks for picking this up!

    Cough! 😉


  4. Finally some good news in the domain industry and a worthwhile story! Been a very long time since I read something like this and on a domainer blog.

    Past few days been a challenge for my family and its stories like that inspires others to help out. Life is soooooo short and everyday I keep reading the cheap shots by big domainers, small domainers and domain forums. Who knows one day I may ride into my sunset. Met some great people along the way, some bad people with bad intentions.

    Very inspiring Roy! To good health and happiness! We need more people like Roy in this domain industry!

  5. @Roy flanders

    I am taking bio 121 cancer biology. Its been fun learning about dna not being copied properly and cell is able to evade the apoptosis and so many lock-safe mechanisms and eventually become cell not dying becoming cancer, all that p53, p21 genes, transcription factors has been fun stuff.

    You are right, its not fighing cancer, its about treatment of cancer.

    What I think, there will be treatment one day. We will be seeing different type of medicine coming to the world, such as PERSONAL MEDICINE.

    We would be able to detect or make certain cells which detects those genes or make some lympocytes killer t cell which can be alternative to chemotherapy.

    Personal medicine is coming soon to us, we will be making treating different types of mutations with different types of cells preety soon.

    Roy, stay Strong!! God Bless You Bud!

  6. Elliot,

    You clearly have some fine people onboard! And thanks again. (We raised a LOT of money!) I’ve received some direct emails- almost all as a result of your “Blog.” All so candid and meaningful.

    As a result I feel moved to say: If any of you folks out there ever want to bounce any “personal,” and Yes, that can mean “medical,” thoughts off me- Please, please feel free to fire away. (My mouth is famously tight!) I’m sure no doctor, but as I mentioned: I am a “Board Certified Hypochondriac,” and sometimes that’s just what we each need, (My grandfather WAS a renowned Physician and Surgeon). Whatever- a caring ear is often very therapeutic! (I’ve been though a lot, and though I’ve come out, need I say: “cooler than ever,” I’m never afraid to really give a shit, especially when someone is concerned. My email is my name at g(oogle) mail. And feel free to leave your tel. number. I’m here if anyone ever wants to shoot the shit.

    And, I’ve seen some names on our donations. Thanks to you Elliot and to all of you! (Astounding; You – and a whole bunch including Rob, Mike, Ron Jackson, and many more- you’ve all made domains – at least for me- “Fun” again!) What a bunch!



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