I want to share a list of the morning email newsletters related to the domain industry I receive on a daily basis. Some of these may come at different times for you depending on your time zone, but they arrive in the morning for me for the most part.
If you subscribe to a list or newsletter that I should be getting but don’t please let me know so I can add it.
- NameJet saved searches (wish they came as one email)
- NameJet – 100 Most Active Pre-Release Backorders
- NameJet – 50 Most Active Pending Delete Backorders
- Media Options brokerage newsletter
- TobyClements.com brokerage newsletter.com
- Domaining.com Headlines
- WIPO UDRP Decisions
- National Arbitration Forum UDRP Decisions
- Elliot’s Blog Articles from Yesterday
What other newsletters or lists do you receive in the morning that help you with your domain business?
Many of the ones you do sans the UDRP entries. Didn’t know they existed to be honest. I also receive Kevin’s sales newsletter and Rick Latona’s established sites list although they are more weekly than daily.
I spend a lot of time on my own opt-in list so ironically, I don’t have time to read many of the ones I receive.
I stumbled upon UpMarketDNS.com newsleter via http://www.subscribe.to/me Great addition to my list. Highly recomended.
@ Jimmy
What are some of the names and prices they’ve offered recently?
Hey Elliot, they offer many great .com domains priced well. I recently brought a domain and sold 2 since I signed up a month ago.
I also use NameJet but I as I am a newbie I also subscribe to iGoldrush and DNJournal.
@ Adi
Both are GREAT resources, but I don’t believe they have daily newsletters.
Full of Girlfriend love mails help me to boost in domain business…
@Jimmy tks for the mention. We actually only run a weekly sales newsletter although a lot of weeks we run two. So we’re not a daily newsletter.
Im glad you posted, your email has been bouncing! We have an offer for another name of yours you ran with us last week. Please email me via the contact form at my site (from a reliable email address lolo)
We also use the web address http://www.subscribe.to/us
for new sign ups
They’re fun domains and free to reg and worth checking our for anyone that wants one (and no I’m not affiliated with them in anyway)
I just can’t resist a free domain offer
Let’s not forget about the Justdropped.com daily newsletter.
Some of the lowest priced quality domains you will find in any morning newsletter.
Saw that Dan above has plugged in his newsletter.. Was about to recommend that 🙂 plus @Nameclerk’s (Bill Eisenmann’s)available domain names are also good.
I’m just getting back into the business after some years away, so That’s really appreciated. Well I use yours 🙂 Thanks Howard.