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Warning: Enom Phishing Email Making the Rounds


I want to share a warning that I received from a reader about an apparent phishing email that seems to be targeting domain names registered at Enom.  The domain name that was used has Enom in it, but it was not Enom.com.

The person who reported the email to me said, “I received 4 today for different domains. All CCC,com domains.” This may indicate that the person is targeting a specific type of domain name, so be on the lookout!

Phishing emails are dangerous because they can lead to stolen domain names. They tend to look like authentic emails from a domain registrar, and this leads to people clicking on them and entering information that would likely  compromise their accounts. Domain thieves can then steal the domain names more easily.

I recommend that you use two factor authentication at your domain registrar and not click on any links within emails to ensure that you don’t fall prey to a phishing attempt. I also recommend reporting phishing attempts to the domain registrar so they can be aware of these phishing attempts.

Thank you to Richard for sharing this warning with me. The email he received is below, with the verification code and domain name removed from the email:

Name.com Wins Rightside Hackathon (Video)

The first company-wide Rightside Hackathon was held last month, and I was sent a link to a video of the winning team. A team from Name.com created the nBox, which helps a user create an “instant branded email.” The email address can be used for free for one month, at which point the user would need to pay for the email service in order to continue. There are also upgrades available to help them start a website.

This offering seems to be aimed at job seekers and others who may be using a less than professional email address to communicate with others for business purposes. nBox would give users a more professional-looking email, using an available new gTLD domain name offered for sale at Name.com.

Obviously, nBox is in

Listen to Rightside Earnings Call

Shortly after the stock market closed today, Rightside issued its first-ever earnings report as an independent company. The earnings report covered the second quarter of 2014.

I will let the financial gurus discuss some of the numbers and how the results compared to what was expected, but here are a few highlights of Rightside’s results for the most recent quarter, as published by the company:

Steve Banfield Interviewed on SocalTECH

Rightside GroupSteve Banfield is the SVP and GM of Registrar Services at Rightside, and in that role, he works closely with eNom and Name.com, as well as resellers such as Namecheap. Although Rightside is a new company, it was created with the domain name services arm of Demand Media, and it is in the process of being completely  spun off from DMD.

Steve Banfield is in a fairly unique position within the domain industry, as he is intimately familiar with new gTLD registry operations as well as registrar operations. Rightside has applied for and will be managing several new gTLD extensions via its Rightside Registry arm, and it owns domain name registrars and manages domain name resellers. Off the top of my head, I can only think of one other person (Frank Schilling) that is as intimately involved with both registry and registrar operations.

With all that said, I think an interview with Steve Banfield that was posted today on SocalTECH.com is well worth a read, specifically for people who are involved in the business of domain investing.  Some of the topics Banfield discusses in the interview include:

Super Bowl Bet: Name.com vs. Enom

As I predicted last week when the Broncos and Seahawks won their respective conference championships to earn the right to play in the Super Bowl on Sunday, Name.com and Enom have been sharing some fun banter before the game. They also have a Super Bowl bet that seems like a lot of fun for both companies, and they are sharing special offers and discounts for customers.

If the Denver Broncos win the Super Bowl (Name.com is located in Denver), Name.com’s  Jared Ewy will visit Enom’s Seattle area headquarters and run the office for the day. In his words, “I’ll have their management bring me coffee and snacks, and occasionally— like every 10 minutes, I’ll shout OMAHA and everyone will have to switch desks. If you don’t know who I am, then here’s a sneak peak at  my leadership style.”

If the Seattle Seahawks win the Super Bowl,

Super Bowl: Name.com vs. Enom


The Super Bowl will be played by the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks on February 2, 2014, and you can bet that two sister domain registrars will be having fun with this rivalry over the next couple of weeks. Hopefully, domain registrants will benefit from some domain name coupon codes and deals as a result of the excitement (hint, hint).

Enom is located in Kirkland, Washington, a short distance from Seattle.  Name.com, which  was

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