Forwards to Demand Justice Website

According to many news outlets, Judge Amy Coney Barrett could become Donald Trump’s nominee to become a Justice on the United States Supreme Court following the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. As you might imagine, many Democrats are very upset at this prospect.

When I read about the prospect of Judge Barrett becoming a nominee for Supreme Court Justice, I was curious to see if she (or who else) owns the exact match domain name. A Whois search shows that was registered in June of 2018, and the domain name is registered under Whois privacy. It was very likely registered around the time of the last opening on Supreme Court, when Justice Brett Kavanaugh was nominated and ultimately assumed office.

When I visited, I was forwarded to a page within the Demand Justice website that honors Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Below the fold, there is a message about not proceeding with a Supreme Court nomination until after inauguration day:

“This could not be a more tragic loss. Justice Ginsburg was a fearless champion for justice, and we owe her an enormous debt of gratitude.

We have to protect Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy. This vacancy should not be filled until after inauguration day.

We MUST honor and protect her legacy
Please join us as we honor RBG by supporting our Supreme Court Preservation fund. Chip in now”

It is another case of a domain name registration playing a role in governance and politics. It is also another reminder that people should register their name in a domain name if possible.

I reached out to the press office for Demand Justice to ask if their organization registered this domain name. If I hear back, I will provide an update.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Constitutional Law Is ‘Very Clear’ that Trump and Senate Have the Power to Nominate, Confirm Justice. I honestly don’t know why the left makes everything more convoluted than it is.

    • Appreciate your comment, but my preference is to keep this related to the topic of domain names and not get too far off. Politics are too polarizing right now, and there are plenty of better venues to discuss than here.

    • Martin, what you refer to as “the left” is actually not the left at all. That is one of the most misused terms in the country, though for many and no doubt in your case because of the constant repetition in the mainstream media innocently so. What you know to be “the left” is actually the neoliberal Democratic establishment, the “fake left.” The “fake left” actually hates, opposes and suppresses the real “left” even far more than they do Republicans and the right, with whom (the R’s) they are completely united and in bed together about what they really care about most despite all the political theater of illusory conflict. The fake left and the right both live to serve the same corporate and special interests and “donor class” who controls them both and has bought and paid for them both, the same oligarchy.

      Just as they did in stealing and rigging the Democratic primary in 2016, this time around in 2020 the fake left did the same thing again while Biden was all but done. They did this not in order to beat Trump, but in order to stop Sanders and the real left from winning. They would rather have Trump win reelection then ever allow the real left to get anywhere, which is the real existential threat to them. If Trump wins again, the fake left is perfectly happy to retain their existing power and money structures, and continue as the (fake) opposition. A Sanders victory would have utterly destroyed all of that. Sanders himself, however, was and is also an utterly and deplorably flawed person, sellout, and conducted an utterly flawed campaign.

      So to summarize, what you know of as the left is actually not the left at all. It would be best for people on all sides to learn more about that because the continual misuse of that term is not good for the country. The real left, though also flawed and imperfect like us all, actually supports a number of things that are good, long needed, and represent real improvement for the American people vs. the continual fake left/right duopoly of destructive oligarchy.

  2. A former democratic here.

    Democratic mayors have ruined it all. NYC. Portland. Around 10 other cities. Defund issue and lies. When I hear how democratic mayors and governors Are ruining America I said that’s enough.

    I will be voting republican for years to come.

  3. You state that politics are “too polarizing” right now, yet you wasted no time in posting a political related post. In these unprecedented times, in no way could a post like this particular one, not result in divisive political banter. Telling people to back off on the political commentary is pretty disingenuous. If you truly wanted to avoid political discussions on your blog, there are more than enough topics surrounding domains names, that you could have easily passed on this one.

    • I think domain names play a key role in politics and political expression. An article about a domain name being used in a political manner doesn’t mean this needs to become a venue for political discussion. There are many other places for that.

      What I should have done is what I will do now and turn off comments.

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