Oversee.net has changed the name of its popular DomainFest Global conference to “WebFest Global.” When you visit DomainFest.com, the conference’s former domain name, you will be forwarded to WebFestGlobal.com. Registration is now open for the February conference, which takes place at the Fairmont Miramar Hotel.
I don’t know if DomainFest will still exist in other formats, like the smaller one-day conferences the company previously held in various cities, but it looks unlikely.
According to a press release Oversee posted on its website:
“DomainSponsor ®, the online direct navigation traffic monetization unit of Oversee.net ® and organizer of the critically acclaimed DOMAINfest ® series of domestic and international conferences, announced today that online registration is now open for its Webfest GlobalTM conference to be held February 5-7, 2013 at the Fairmont Miramar Hotel in Santa Monica, California.”
It becomes clearer that the DomainFest branding has been replaced by the WebFest branding rather than been created in addition to it. The evidence is further down in the press release: “Founded in 2006 by DomainSponsor ®, the direct navigation traffic monetization division of Oversee.net, Webfest Global (formerly DOMAINfest ®)…”
I would imagine the company is trying to create a broader Internet conference with this new branding, since the DomainFest name is somewhat limiting. That said, I don’t think it’s bad to have a conference theoretically limited to domain investors, since DomainFest regularly drew over 500 attendees.
In case you care, Scott Day’s DigiMedia owns WebFest.com. That domain name is listed for sale on the Domain Name Sales platform.
Full Press Release: