I am sure you’ve heard about the devastation caused by tornados and extreme weather in Oklahoma this week. Many lives have been lost, hundreds of people have been injured, and countless homes and businesses have been destroyed. I can’t even imagine the pain these people are going through.
In an effort to raise funds for the victims, Domain Boardroom and its members are sponsoring an auction on my blog, and ALL proceeds will go to the American Red Cross’ Oklahoma City chapter, which is helping victims. Domain Boardroom members have donated domain names, gift certificates, and services towards this effort. (Big thanks to Donna Mahony for organizing this).
Escrow.com will be handling all of the escrow for these transactions at NO cost to either party. Once the funds are collected, Escrow.com will disburse funds directly to the American Red Cross, which is helping victims.
Here’s how the auction will work. Bidding for each auction lot will have a starting bid of $10, and bid increments will be $10. There are no reserve prices other than the minimum bid. Auctions will end on Friday, May 24 at 5pm EDT. At that point, the highest bid for each item will be deemed the winner. You may try to sniper bid at the last minute, but someone else may do the same. Should there be a tie in the final moments, the first to bid that number will win, and the $10 increments will not count if bids are received in the final moments. Comment timestamps will determine the winning bidder if necessary. Some comments might be held in the queue, so timestamp will determine whose bid was placed first. Contact me  if your comment ends up in the spam filter so I can approve it.
To bid, post a comment on this post with your bid amount. You must use a valid email address, and if you are the winner, that email address will be used to start escrow. Next to each lot, I will post the current high bid as soon as I am able to do so. Refer to the comment section for the actual high bid, as one may have been placed before I had time to update this post.
If any issues come up during the auction, I will make a judgment call.
Services / Gifts:
Lot 1: SEO Audit from SEO Expert Bill Hartzer* High Bid $1,250
Lot 2: $250 gift certificate to Bobbleheads.com** High Bid $300
Lot 3: Guest post on ElliotsBlog.com valid anytime in the next 6 months High Bid $750
Domain Names:
Lot 4: StartupLenders.com Donated by Donna Mahony  High Bid $160
Lot 5: ToiletMats.com Donated by Donna Mahony High Bid $400
Lot 6: Equine.co Donated by Penny and Terrell Miller High Bid $175
Lot 7: HomeImprovementSeminars.com Donated by P & T Miller High Bid $100
Lot 8: Buildathon.com Donated by Brendan Wells High Bid $610
Lot 9: NewsCasters.net Donated by Brendan Wells High Bid $30
Lot 10: PinkOpal.com Donated by Charlie Gilbert High Bid $460
Lot 11: CompositeCountertops.com Anonymously Donated High Bid $100
Lot 12: ClimateProofing.com Donated Anonymously Donated  High Bid $300
Lot 13: PrivateCabanas.com Donated by Ira Zoot High Bid $200
Lot 14: RomanticBars.com Donated by Ira Zoot High Bid $150
Lot 15: BackToSchoolCenter.com Donated by Ira Zoot High Bid $100
Lot 16: MilitaryTrainingAircraft.com Donated by Ira Zoot
Lot 17: PaintballWeekly.com Donated by Ira Zoot High Bid $20
Lot 18: KidsAndInfants.com Donated by Ira Zoot High Bid $100
* An SEO Audit of your website includes analyzing the website in depth (looking at all on-page as well as off-page factors), as well as looking at the website’s overall industry and competition. An SEO Audit typically includes all the recommendations for fixes on the site and recommendations going forward—-all based on the goals for the website that website owner provides.
** Can be used towards regular inventory or custom bobbleheads
I don’t know anything about tax law, so I have no idea if any of your bid is tax deductible, so speak with an expert about tax law if you have questions about that. I will likely be participating in the bidding, except on the lot I donated. Bids that are received after the auction has ended (based on comment timestamp) will not count. I recommend not waiting until the last moments since there could be lag time, especially if multiple people are posting at the same time. The American Red Cross is not affiliated with this auction and does not endorse this auction in any manner.
Bidders Understand and Agree that:
Elliot J. Silver / Top Notch Domains, LLC may not be held responsible for any time delays or any other issue concerning posting bids to Elliot’s Blog. All winning bidders shall forward payments directly to Escrow.com, and Escrow.com shall forward all payments to the American Red Cross.
Looking forward to it. Pass the word. Am using the hash-tag #Domains4OK for Twitter. Cheers!
Spot on Chip its important to have one hashtag that everyone uses it makes it much easier and provides contiuity on Twitter.
I bid:
Lot 1: SEO Audit – $100
Lot 4: StartupLenders.com – $100
Lot 12: ClimateProofing.com – $100
SEO Audit from SEO Expert Bill Hartzer* $250
ToiletMats.com $100
Equine.co $100
PrivateCabanas.com $100
PinkOpal.com $100
Guest post on DomainInvesting.com – $50
I bid $100 on the guest post on Elliot’s blog.
$200 for Lot 3.
Lot 8: $25
Lot 11: $25
Lot 2: $25
ClimateProofing.com – $200
PrivateCabanas.com – $200
Lot 2: Gift certificate to Bobbleheads.com – $50
Lot 8: Buildathon.com – $100
Lot 15: BackToSchoolCenter.com $50
ToiletMats.com $350
Buildathon.com $200
Lot #2 – $80.
Guest post on DomainInvesting.com valid anytime in the next 6 months High Bid $300
SEO Audit from SEO Expert Bill Hartzer* High Bid $300
SEO Audit from SEO Expert Bill Hartzer* $500
Gift Certificate to Bobbleheads.com – $100
$250 gift certificate to Bobbleheads.com** High Bid $125
I bid $150 for the Bobbleheads.com gift certificate.
StartupLenders.com – $150
$200 for the Bobbleheads GiftCert
CompositeCountertops.com – $35
(Lot #11)
Great initiative all round!
I bid:
Lot 3: Guest post on DomainInvesting.com – $400
Lot 4: StartupLenders.com – $160
Lot 7: HomeImprovementSeminars.com – $20
Equine. Co $110
Lot 2: $250 gift certificate to Bobbleheads.com** Bid $210
Lot 9: NewsCasters.net – $20
I bid $300 on ClimateProofing.com
I’ll bid $150 for PinkOpal.com
I bid
$400 on toiletmats.com
$250 buildathon.com
$250 pinkopal.com
Lot 2: $250 gift certificate to Bobbleheads.com** Bid $225
Lot 2: $250 Bobbleheads.com Gift Certificate Bid $235
SEO Audit from SEO Expert Bill Hartzer- Bid $525
Lot 2: $250 gift certificate to Bobbleheads.com – Bid $250
RomanticBars.com $150
I’d like to see every bid over $100 so I’ll up my own bid on Lot 15: BackToSchoolCenter.com to $100
I am so broke, my $20 bid is a bit irresponsible, so I won’t be bidding any higher. No doubt someone else will make a more generous bid on that domain.
Every bid is appreciated Tim!
Dont worry Tim…Every little bit helps and its the thought that counts..
I agree, although I outbid Tim
lot 2: Bobbleheads.com gift cert – $260 bid
That is very cool, Vinnie.
WTG Vinnie..that’ll show them you Philly guys won’t be messed with! 😉
It’s charity folks! plus I may be a little jealous of the BoB Olea bobble…but don’t tell anyone.
My brother bought me one from a few years ago for my 40th birthday. They do an awesome job.
I can see you in the Carpool lane in Philly with your 6’foot Bobble head…
Now it’s a Shaun Pilfold Bobble you’ll see 🙂
Lot 11: CompositeCountertops.com – Bid $100
I bid $150 on Lot 6 – Equine.co
I bid $100 on Lot 18 KidsAndInfants.com
SEO Audit from SEO Expert Bill Hartzer $750
Thanks all for your participation. Here’s an update with more detailed payment information:
SEO Audit from SEO Expert Bill Hartzer $775 bid
SEO Audit from SEO Expert Bill Hartzer $1,000 bid
I bid $30 for Newscasters.net
$250 gift certificate to Bobbleheads.com – Bid $300
SEO Audit from SEO Expert Bill Hartzer $1,100
Equine.co $175
Buildathon.com $275
Just so I can outbid Ammar
SEO Audit from SEO Expert Bill Hartzer $1,250
LOL… good thing it’s for charity 🙂
I bid
$350 pinkopal.com
Lot 8 – Buildathon.com – My bid $270
Current high bid on that name is $275:
Bid increment is $10.
Lot 8 – Buildathon.com – My bid $300
Timestamp test
Lot 8 : $500
Lot 7 : $100
A little over 10 minutes to go. As soon as my clock reads 5pm, I am going to shut off comments on this post to end the auction. If you would like to bid, please post your max bids now. Be sure that your bid is at least $10 higher than the high bid, otherwise it will not count.
Lot 17 PaintballWeekly.com $20
I am doing my best to approve comments/bids as soon as they are received. Trying to keep body of post updated with high bids as best I can. Refer to comment section as well as main post.
I will not be bidding any more on auctions. I don’t think it’s fair for me to be able to bid at the last second, so my high bids are placed.
Lot 8 – Buildathon.com – My bid $550
Pinkopal.com $425
$600 – Lot 3: Guest Post
Guest Post $500
Buildathon.com $600
Pinkopal.com $460
Lot 8 – Buildathon.com – My bid $610
Guest Post $750