Sold for 6 Figures in NameJet Auction

The domain name was up for auction today on NameJet. The auction had a reserve price between $10,001 – $25,000, and it easily surpassed its reserve price. sold for $127,222. There were 198 bids placed from 185 bidders.

NameJet extensively promoted this private auction. I received several emails from NameJet announcing the auction, and it looks like their outreach was successful. is owned by BuyDomains. The company has many domain names listed in auction on NameJet right now.

Since the auction closed today, the domain name hasn’t been paid for yet. I am sure NameJet will include in their monthly sales report once the transaction is completed. At that point, it will be added to DNJournal, NameBio, and the list of recent one word .com domain name sales.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Interesting….i own and I know, i wasted $4 on those two long shot names, but for a guy who has made two holes in one in the last 12 months on the same, stranger things have happened:) Catch and Release Baby!

  2. I was just about to comment on the “s” and plural. Sometimes the plural is inferior, or hard to explain because of spelling (is it just an “s” or “ies” or similar.) is vastly superior to the plural, as the plural could have several spellings, such as Whiskeys or Whiskies, confusing. Then you have and as an example. In this case, Bourbon is for sure the better name, however the plural isn’t that far behind the value of the singular. Same things with “the” and while I may be biased, when THE is used 99% of the time in mentioning the domain, as in, I like better than Just my opinion! In the case of Millionaires, I believe the plural is not worth as much as the singular, however it is still a great and brandable name and the S doesn’t negatively affect it as many others names in their plural form.

  3. i don’t disagree, but that’s why I bought in the singular and not the plural. Millioaire and Billionaire in the singular in both .com and .link were already taken. Here’s a question, What could the guy who bought do with his domain that I couldn’t do with

  4. Fred….are you the Tycoon of Geo Domains? I thought I recognized your name. Interesting that you would bring up spelled with an “e” instead of that the Costello Brothers sold for 3.1M in 2014 but is still on the market. What do you think of I just paid a whopping $2 for it, and IF only I could make (.)link 50% as popular as .com the world becomes my oyster. btw, i own the domain and I’m working with the GOAT of Single Malt Whisky from Glasgow.

    I’m not sure we’ve met, but maybe we should:)

  5. Richard, I believe Ron Jackson coined that nickname in an article years ago. Regarding the Whisky spelling, I use both, and was just pointing out the example regarding plurals. Regarding .link, while I own numerous .xyz, .club, .co, .cc and others, I don’t own one .link name. Pretty much all non .com names I own are for resale, not development. I only consider developing .com. So I am not the person to ask about your .link names. Good luck with it though!

  6. Thanks for responding Fred…..i wish i’d discovered this industry sooner, but like Jeannie McPherson of Verisign said in a hit piece targeting the domain aftermarket, “there’s a unregulated secondary market – led by domain speculators – hiding in plain sight”. Thus, i didn’t learn about this crazy industry until 2018 despite having been active in both the financial services and healthcare industries. Now back to (.)link, like you i didn’t own a single .link name until i learned that UNR sold it to a group out of Malta. I just learned about it three weeks ago and have hand registered 800+ what might be considered “Premium” names, many of which Uniregistry had registered for themselves but dropped a few years later? I’m not sure why, but I’m making it my business to learn why. This isn’t the place to discuss it, but I’ll email you later.

    Last, Whisky spelled without the “e” is single malt (and sometimes a blend) distilled “only” in Scotland, and Whiskey with the “e” is reserved for all others distilled outside of Scotland. We’ll talk later Fred, and it was great chatting with you.


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