“Technical Difficulties” Cause NameJet Auctions Extension

When I went to review domain names on NameJet last night, I was unable to do so because of a maintenance notice on the website. According to a message on the back-end of the platform, there were some “technical difficulties” on NameJet yesterday. As a result, some of the auctions that ended have been extended to today.

Here’s the message I see on my NameJet control panel:

“NameJet Maintenance

NameJet experienced technical difficulties during the auctions ending Sunday, July 24th. Auctions ending after 1.15 PM Pacific Time have been extended by 24 hours to July 25th, 2022.”

I was involved in several NameJet auctions that ended yesterday. I believe I won one of the auctions, but I did not receive a winning bid confirmation email following the auction’s conclusion. I presume this auction will be extended today. I do not see it in my current auction control panel though. When I checked the auction page a moment ago, it still says, “The Auction has ended. We are finalizing the auction results. Please wait.

Hopefully, NameJet sends out an email to customers notifying them about the technical difficulties and new auction end times for impacted auctions.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Hello Elliott. What is your domain strategy? How many domains do you have? What % of .com? Do you just buy and sell or do you monetize/develop your domains? What % of domains do you sell on average per year, more than 1%? Where can I see the domains you own? Sorry about all the questions but you seem very honest and I consider you a mentor in this business I look up to.

    • “What is your domain strategy?”

      Buy domain names I can imagine startups will want to use or established companies will want to acquire for a rebrand. Have a good mix of higher value names that occasionally sell with a large portfolio of inventory quality names that can regularly sell.

      “How many domains do you have?”

      More than 1,500. Not sure how much more.

      “What % of .com?”


      “Do you just buy and sell or do you monetize/develop your domains?”

      Previously developed geodomain names like Lowell.com, Burbank.com, and others (since sold). Previously developed DogWalker.com, CatSitter.com (sold) DogPark.com, and DogGroomers.com (sold). Now, the only developed websites I have are this blog, Embrace.com to sell my .com domain names and Embrace.xyz to sell my small number of .XYZ domain names. I park a few dozen domain names but the revenue from that PPC is very small.

      “What % of domains do you sell on average per year, more than 1%? “

      It varies and is tough to calculate since I am always buying.

      “Where can I see the domains you own?”

      I don’t share the majority of my names, but you can see some here: http://www.topnotchdomains.com/investments.html

      My question to you – why use a pseudonym?

  2. I appreciate it Elliott and the k nowledge you shared. I use a pseudonym because I had online stalkers in the past so want to remain private. Have a great day.

  3. Snap and NJ have been “under maintenance” more this year than any I can remember – back to 2003. And too frequently it coincides with order cutoff times or auction end times.

    People complain when EIG buys a host and moves the accounts over, seems like the same tech team is running Snap and NJ now.


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