I was checking out the Whois information for a couple of education related domain names, and I came across EducationLoans.com and EducationLoan.com. Somewhat surprisingly, these domain names appear to be owned by financial giants PNC and Sallie Mae (or a related company). It’s a smart move to own great domain names like these.
PNC Bank is the registrant of EducationLoans.com, and Student Loan Funding Resources, LLC (with a Whois contact email @salliemae.com) is the registrant of the singular EducationLoan.com. Unfortunately, neither of these great assets are currently resolving to any type of website. They aren’t even being used for forwarding purposes to these companies’ primary websites.
Screenshots.com shows that both domain names had once been used. The most recent screenshot for EducationLoan.com shows the website was in use in 2011. The most recent screenshot for EducationLoans.com shows that the website was in use in February of 2013. I don’t know why these great descriptive domain names aren’t currently resolving though.
These domain names are each worth quite a bit of money, and I am surprised they aren’t being utilized by their owners.
simple mktg strategy
Large companies doesn’t need help to promote themselves, they are focused only on preventing others from entering their sectors.
And they do it in any way, even the most disgusting
Good Article!
Nice article,I have a very generic domain name that I want to sell to a bank. Any advice Elliot,know any domain brokers that deal with education DN?
Ryan Colby of Domain Holdings had asked me about education domain names last week.
Thanks Elliot. Elliot checkout studentloan.com Discover is now using the domain name. Such a great name.
Elliot did you checkout studentloan.com? Discover.com is now using the domain name. That’s a great domain name.