In a blog post on August 18th, Sav reported that its PayPal account had been inexplicably closed by the payment provider. I am sure this would have impacted the registrar’s ability to collect payments from some clients, and importantly, it would have impacted the ability to pay clients proceeds from domain name sales.
This has happened to other domain industry companies in the recent past, and they had to make efforts to get their accounts reinstated. Sav requested that customers reach out to any PayPal connections they may have and to tweet to PayPal in a bid to get their account functioning again.
Yesterday afternoon, Sav reported that its PayPal account access has been restored:
(1/2) As of 10:30 AM CDT on August 22, PayPal has re-enabled our ability to accept payments via PayPal. We learned this morning that our account was disabled last week due only to a domain name that had no association with Sav.
— (@usesav) August 22, 2022
(2/2) We provided this explanation to PayPal and they promptly re-enabled our access. Most importantly, we just wanted to give our huge thanks to the domain community & our many users for taking the time to reach out to PayPal to promptly bring this matter to their attention!
— (@usesav) August 22, 2022
It is fortunate that Sav was able to quickly engage with PayPal to get this issue resolved.
Just as E = MC2, so Big Tech = Big Stupid + Big Evil