LifeHacker Vote: Five Best Domain Name Registrars

LifeHacker is currently running a poll, asking readers to vote for their favorite domain name registrar. When the poll was last run in 2010, the winning domain registrar was Namecheap. The poll will close this year at 6am on Tuesday, so you should vote now.

There were only 9,142 votes cast in the 2010 poll, and there are already 11,217 votes in this year’s edition. I think social media has probably played a roll in this year’s voting. In fact, Namecheap is even offering a special promotion  via Twitter if it’s voted the best registrar and is retweeting comments from customers who voted for them.

The five finalists (chosen by readers) include:

  • Dreamhost
  • Gandi
  • Hover
  • Namecheap

One interesting aspect of the vote is that LifeHacker isn’t hiding the vote totals. At the moment, Hover is the leading vote getter, followed by

The only thing on the line here is pride, and likely additional business brought on by the added exposure. Vote for your favorite domain registrar today – I am sure each would appreciate your support.

PS: My vote is for because the company has been a sponsor of my blog for a few years, and the people at the company really seem to care about their customers.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


    • Why not? Do you think people should have voted because they’d get a $.99 registration code?

      I could have also said I voted for because it’s the only other registrar on the list I use.

    • @elliot
      We All know that your blog is sponsored by but in this blog it Will be Right to give a good reason that you voted for… Since we All know that it wasn’t the Best hosting provider since you Host your blog at godaddy (sopa, elephant) and only reason that you let your visitors understand why you voted for name is, though you haven’t use the service yourself but from what you heard that name has a good customer service and that they sponsor your blog and that males mé sick… Come with better explnation

  1. I’d like to know which domain name register has the best website building tools, if you decide to host with them as well. Um…I’m assuming host is the right word….


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