I recently reported that the 1996-registered Fenwicks.com domain name was the subject of a UDRP proceeding. Of note, the domain name appeared to be owned by the same person, James Fenwick, for many years. It was surprising to see a UDRP filed against a domain name with those circumstances.
Yesterday afternoon, I saw that the status of the UDRP had been changed to “Terminated.” A Whois search showed me that the domain name was still owned by the same registrant as before, so it did not appear that the owner lost or sold the domain name. I reached out to Mr. Fenwick to see what happened with the UDRP and find out if he was able to reach a deal with the complainant. Mr. Fenwick was kind enough to reply and share an update that he allowed me to share publicly:
“I retained Stevan Lieberman who successfully assisted in showing that my right to the domain name extended over the past twenty-one years.
Given the evidence the complainant decided to withdraw. And no, I did not sell the domain name even though a purchase was offered by the complainant.”
Mr. Fenwick also mentioned to me that Nat Cohen was very helpful to him. I know that Nat regularly goes above and beyond to offer advice and insight to people who are dealing with a UDRP proceeding.
Commenting on the expense and stress of dealing with the UDRP, Mr. Fenwick told me the following:
“This has been a painful and costly experience.
I would be remiss not to share that Stevan Lieberman has my utmost appreciation and confidence.
Anyone in a situation similar to mine would be well advised to consult with Stevan. He is smart, quick and competent. No time wasted.”
It is very unfortunate that Mr. Fenwick had to spend money defending his domain name. I am glad the UDRP was terminated and that he will be able to continue using his domain name.
Congratulations to James Fenwick. I am sure it has been very frustrating to be drawn into protecting the domain that he has owned for many years.
Qutoed –
“Anyone in a situation similar to mine would be well advised to consult with Stevan. He is smart, quick and competent. No time wasted.”
So, true.
Stevan is extremely personable (one of the guys). But, when he focused on something – He is ALL BUSINESS. Unrelenting in helping his clients.
The domain community owes Nat Cohen a big THANK YOU for the time and effort Nat puts towards fighting unfair UDRP. Even though he is not a lawyer, he is extremely knowledge about IP domain laws. And, is willing to help others using his knowledge and years of domain experience.