Before rebranding my blog to and consequently changing the url, one of my greatest concerns was the impact on traffic to the website. Since this venture is a business with paying advertisers, I needed to make sure that the rebranding would have minimal impact on traffic, and if there would be an impact, it needed to be short lived.
While getting together with Braden Pollock at TRAFFIC Las Vegas, I happened to meet Jason Hennessey of Everspark Interactive. The three of us spent a couple of hours discussing business, and I left the meeting wanting to work with Jason on a future project. When I decided to change the domain name and rebrand to, Jason was one of the first people I called in order to strategize.
With my blog, I never did any link building or paid much attention to search engine optimization. I am proud to say that traffic and links to the site are 100% organic, and I knew this would be helpful with the rebranding. I also knew there were many onsite issues that needed to be corrected though, and I chose to work with Everspark because I knew they would be able to help me with these efforts and could also give me advice regarding onsite SEO and other website optimization tips.
In the video interview with Jason Hennessey that is embedded below, I discuss the scope of the project and Jason discusses what Everspark did to help with onsite web optimization. Apologies in advance for my poor interview skills. I probably should have worked off of some sort of script, but I winged it, as you can tell.
So far, these efforts are already paying off. I compared traffic from the week before rebranding to a week in early November, and the number of unique visitors was up 39.85% while the number of total visits was up 31.20%. Making the numbers look even better, there were 16 articles posted during the week in October but only 14 articles posted during the week in November.
I am very happy with Everspark Interactive, and I will certainly work with them again on a future project.
Good information.
Thanks for sharing this.
This was really helpful. I also met Jason at a show a few years ago and spent a decent amount of time talking with him, and it was clear that he has a lot of expertise.
Jason Hennessey — if you see this
Can you post you contact info here.
Along with your SMS Connections ??
Thanks in Advance. . .
~Patricia Kaehler — DomainBELL
Ohio USA — Early Happy Holidays to Everyone. . .
Got to love WordPress lol That is your main problem. Yeah I know, a lot of people use wordpress blah blah blah. At least your giving it effort to fix this.
I don’t believe any of the issues were related to WordPress. I am very happy with the platform.
Actually according to the video and the excel document outlining the 400/500 and redirect issues they are specific to WordPress. Not downing it, just saying I see this all the time with WordPress sites, but the fact that you are going to great lengths shows your true dedication to making sure you have a site that not only works for search engines but also for the users. Great job and keep it up! I enjoy reading your blog, though I hardly participate in any conversations.
Hundreds of the issues were outgoing links from my site in comments left by readers that went to non resolving or parked domain names.
Elliot – Thanks for the opportunity, we appreciate the interview.
Patricia – Here are my contact details:
Jason Hennessey
Cell: 702-994-6354