I am currently looking to buy up to 5 one word .com domain names. as an investment. I am almost always in the market to buy great one word .coms, and I am looking to increase my holdings right now. I have several very specific and non-negotiable requirements for domain names:
- American English word found on Dictionary.com
- .com
- At least 50 other TLDs are registered in that exact keyword (for instance, there are 247 TLDs registered with the “Travels” keyword).
- Has not been listed with a domain broker, domain auction, or on a domain forum in at least 12 months
- Price up to $40,000/each, but end user value into the 6 figures. Possible the budget is higher for the right name(s).
- Does not end in the following: -ing, -ed, -ly, -ingly….etc
Ideally, the keyword will have a positive or neutral meaning, but that is not a requirement. I am looking for words that could be used as brands.
If you have something that does not meet the above requirements, please do not send them to me. They may have value, but I am looking to add one word .coms to my portfolio and I won’t reply if they don’t meet the clear requirements.
Contact information for submitting domain names is here.
As I said many times, all it takes is money…just to buy the domains you want.
It does not take any mental creativity, brainpower, mental prowess, or any physical strength, just MONEY.
Magna cum laude
Graduate of Domain King Academy
MBA-My Big Ass(all of you have one)
PHD-people having dickheads
Elliot, what is a good tool to check how many TLDs are registered for a particular domain?
I use DomainTools and I think 101Domain shows it as well.
Also Dofo and DotDB.
I think you are gambling your kids’ education college future in investing these domains.
If you had invested in Amazon msf apple and Tesla stocks 5 yrs ago like I did, you are ahead of the game.
Owning one word domains …you might face unforeseen perils,uncertainties,..
You don’t know what going to happen to the domain industry down the road..
Agree, most of those FAANG stocks have outperformed domains by a large margin but who knows what the future holds.
With one click,you can sell stocks instantly. For domains who know how you going to sell if some F govt agency come up with some F regulations on selling or owning domains.
But hey..it is your money,do whatever you want.
SIR Marijuanaguy,
How is your BlackBerry, AltaVista, and Enron stock doing?
And why are you on this “Domain Investing” site if stocks are the way to go?
I am a fearless patriotic colored American and I can go anywhere i want to without any stupid boyish questions.
Any barriers in front of me will be met with with my deadly fiercely twisty body slam.
Nothing and nobody will stop me from my achieving my goals.
Why are you so interested in this “Domain Investing” site when you are criticizing Elliot for trying to acquire domains?
Marijuanaguy aka BullS
Nobody knows what going to happen to the world down the roads….so many unknowns and uncertainties
sails.com – offers considered.
Dont post non business related nonsense in the future like riding bicycles.
What a sales pitch that is.
He’s not addressing Elliot…he’s trying to get free advertising and seeking offers from the readers even though Elliot asked to be privately contacted via https://www.embrace.com/contact-us/.
As a result, the domain should be redacted.
It looks like you don’t understand what Elliot stated clearly in his post. Or are you trying to get free traffic?
Since you don’t seem to like Elliot’s writings, I think you should just “Sail” away 🙂
He’s just a whiney little troll, who thinks he’s the domain morality chief, or whatever trolls think of themselves.
(sorry for the off topic Elliot.)
The submit domains names link does not seem to work. I get a page restriction warning