If you weren’t able to attend the NamesCon conference this week, I think you may have missed out on a great opportunity. That said, search engine expert Bill Hartzer shared his notes about several of the panels and keynote speakers that he attended, and you can check out his blog to see what his observations and takeaways were from the sessions.
To make it easier for you, I shared links to each of the articles. I am sure Ron Jackson, Morgan Linton, and others will share some insight as well, but Bill’s notes are pretty comprehensive.
Panels and Keynotes discussed by Bill Hartzer:
- Meet the New TLDs
- SEO, Search, and new TLDs
- Secondary market discussion
- Mayor of Las Vegas welcome
- Jennifer Wolfe keynote
- Conference introduction
There may be other posts that I didn’t see, and you can navigate to them by visiting Bill’s blog. I don’t think anyone else had comprehensive write ups of the panels and discussions, so you may benefit from check those articles out, especially if you weren’t able to attend.
I plan to share a bit of a recap and my feedback from NamesCon later on today, I am still playing a bit of catch up from being away for a few days, so I am not sure when the article will be ready to go. In the meantime, check out Bill’s summaries.
at the end of the first segment:
“They encourage the domain community to keep criticize the new gTLDs”
I foresee the day for ‘dot uh?’ 🙂
Thanks for pointing that out, these are unedited versions. Will be editing and cleaning them up shortly.
Thanks for sharing the info.
Domo Sapiens, I looked back at the post and my notes.
When Daniel Negari said that he wants criticism, I understood it that he wants criticism so he (and the new gTLDs) can make changes to how they’re operating and making their policies, not whether or not the gTLDs are good or not or whether they should actually exist or not. I hope that explains that statement and quote on the post.
NamesCon was a great conference, glad I was able to be there!
Great to see you there! Did you go bungee jumping?
I did get to jump off the side of the Stratosphere, it was a nice way to wrap up NamesCon!
Bill, Thanks for the explanation.
You must admit that sentence doeesn’t make sense, we wait for the editing (They might want to add the word ‘constructive’;) )…
IMHO it’s a little disturbing Registries are still placing their hopes for their success on domainers’ participation.