I bought somewhere between 250 – 300 domain names in 2019 in private or via auction. This number is more than 2018 due in part to taking more chances on closeout purchases via GoDaddy Auctions. It also represents a fairly large number considering my portfolio stands at just about 1,000 domain names.
In 2019, I bought quite a few higher value domain names, including a few LLL .com domain names and quite a few one word .com domain names. I sold some of these domain names already, but I still own many of these purchases.
I thought I would share what I think is the best purchase I made in 2019, only considering the domain names I still own. Of the domain names I bought in 2019 and still own, I would say Leaves.com is my best purchase of 2019.
If you would like to participate, I invite you to share your best domain name purchase of the year in the comment section below.
EXL.com was my best domain purchase of 2019.
Let.com or Cola.com for me.
Cola is an amazing name, looking forward to see you making it into a proper 7 or 8 figures sale.
Thank you 🙂
Onions.com for me.
Financehub.org for me
MoneyCounters.com here. (I sell them.)
My favorite of 2019 was LEIR.com.
“Bought” at $5.99 and will be sold for $1001
1000% ROI
Needs more transparency in the prices,no harm done, just like home purchase history.
Bought my house in 1992 at 127K and now worth 1.2million USD.
Gets many offers in the mail to sell,my house does not worth a shieet,it is my property that they want.
Domain purchase prices should be listed
More transparency!!
Whoever taught you math could be liable for damages.
@Richard..I sense you have that fear.
The fear of insecurity and incompetence.
You and many others have been brained wash by the frivolous BS legal systems in this country.
ROI = Net Profit / Total Investment * 100
Your calculation of ROI is not correct.
No way, I am an Asian and I am super good at Math!!
Viandes.com (Meats in French) & 1500 other great ones like CBDoils.ca ! It’s really tough to chose the best one when so many good ones!
Life will be so much less complicated if medical cost is listed too.
Everything has a price and it should be listed.
Cuisine factory
CryptoCurrencyFolio.com (looking for a rebound in crypto in 2020) or FractChain.com (Fractional ownership of assets). Should be an interesting 2020!
Cryptocurrency is one word, not two.
Please make the necessary edits to your website.
DotBrands.com for me
Probably the best name: Sign
Probably the best deal: Posh
Both in dot com…
2 monsters!
Thanks James!
69q.com, as it is a liquid domain which I got for way below market value.
You have some great names in there. What are the reasons you like leaves.com the best?
The growing and booming cannabis industry.
Best 2019 names:
I acquired few more which I like it a lot.
SHOPA.com and PhoneStore.com
Wow, bunch of beasts in here.
It will seem counter-intuitive for purist domainers, but my best domains purchased this year were long tails. Picking just one I cite AttorneyForCarAccidents.com which is an exact match for a search that gets 12,100 searches per month with a $234.05 CPC.
The domainer community is generally biased against domains longer than two words and even Schwartz himself thinks he can sell the idea that since there haven’t been many reported good sales of them that proves they are not very valuable. Most often I agree with him on things but that’s not one of them. He’s as self-interested as any. It’s a lot of cynical misguided zero-sum thinking by people who lack vision, lack end user perspective, or don’t even want to allow a three word or longer domain to have any decent value which can be life changing to people lower on the domainer totem pole because it means that might make the market reluctant and less likely to pay them the biggest bucks for their shorter domains and so forth. Especially if anyone says there are three word and longer domains worth in the six figure and up range. They continually beat this drum, and that also influences and affects the end user market as potential buyers have that message sent to them all the time, just as an end user seeing the appalling stupidity of a lot of automated appraisals poisons their mind as well. (Gotta love how Estibot was still “appraising” crypto.com at modest five figures even well after it sold for $12,000,000 or so, for example.)
Consistent with this, “long tail” is generally associated with negative connotations, and is clearly often intended to be an unequivocal pejorative of sorts. However, it seems most people don’t even have a proper understanding of what that terms really means because of the prevailing bias and selfishness. Therefore, it is important to clarify what it really means.
“Long tail” is when you append a “tail” on something. I.e., a contrived lengthening, just so you can make a domain that is at least intelligible and usable, even if not a popular phrase. Can’t have “MortgageLoans.com”? Just register “GetMortgateLoans.com.” Can’t have “PoolTables.com”? Just register “NicePoolTables.com.” That’s what “long tail” really is. However, generally speaking the “domainer cummunity” is clueless and declares that anything and everything is “long tail” if it is longer than one or two words regardless of how popular, established, natural or “top of mind” a phrase is.
Which brings us to domains like yours, a four worder. Are “CarAccidentAttorney.com” and “AccidentAttorney.com” more desirable, and should they be considered more valuable? Sure, in this specific case of course. But should AttorneyForCarAccidents.com, which clearly is “long” be considered “long tail” or as not being very valuable? Even spoke of as if it practically has no value? If it’s a natural and in some sense popular and well used phrase (as in search, for instance), then clearly and definitely not. It’s long, but not “long tail.” There is no unnatural or contrived forcing of an appendage of a word or words just to create a domain.
And the real truth is also that sometimes a longer domain is more popular, more natural, more “top of mind,” and hence more desirable and value to and end user than shorter ones. There are many examples one could show. And even Schwartz himself has also stated that as well before, assuming the blog comments are still up. E.g., domains like FastLane.com, ExpressLane.com vs. just Lane.com. For longer ones, only a fool would suggest domains like NewYorkRealEstate.com and SouthernCaliforniaRealEstate.com are not at least valuable enough to be potentially life changing to those who don’t need to have luxury Swiss watches and multiple cars costing six or seven figures, bathrooms the size of three bedroom apartments and numerous mansions, etc., if you catch my drift.
PS: In the case of your domain, for instance, turning merely “long” (but potentially of significant value to someone who doesn’t need another Rolls Royce) into “long tail” would be ones like this:
For me my top one is AidLibra.com and the second is TLDplace.com
DCEPhuilu.com – Huilu {匯率} = exchange rate
Fuwu247.com – FuWu {服務} = service – to serve
I backordered one a couple days ago, not sure will I get it but I will inform here if I do!
Nobody says anything, but the truth is that the kindest and best thing to do would be to tell the people who have posted domains here that so many of them are really worthless and they are making a big mistake. There’s a lot of really worthless domains here that show people are going down the wrong path.
Well say something constructive ? we can all learn as well we might if a return comment throws new light on the registrants rationale
Many people can point out domains here that are practically worthless, a mistake, or worth so little that it’s just not worth it overall, including and especially the blog publisher Elliot. However, sometimes the good deed does not go unpunished. I don’t like often being the only one willing to do people the favor and risk the flack, but I have done it before numerous times. It’s not good that more people who can certainly do it too don’t do so. It also requires being extremely blunt and indelicate, as in saying something like “sorry guy, but you don’t seem to realize that domain is worthless…”
Respectfully ambiguity is seemingly your specialty
“Information: the negative reciprocal value of probability” ” [Claude Shannon]
Well let me spell it out for you then: I’m not always in the mood to be the only one willing to do people the favor of telling them their domains are worthless when that is what they really need to hear. And today is just one of those days. Let someone else do it first because many people can say which domains are worthless or near worthless here. And hopefully that’s clear enough for you.
Top 2:
For me, i think my best domain for 2019 is Cbdoil.Productions or Skill.Ventures
Just FYI, I invited people to share their best purchase – not a whole group of domain names. I am letting some people slide with 2 names, but please don’t submit a bunch of names because I will just delete.
I noticed you got sucked along with others into implicitly legitimizing Snoopy’s little adventure here: https://twitter.com/KillerDomain/status/1212625641465679872. Definitely no surprise, however, but just wanted to make sure you saw this: https://twitter.com/KillerDomain/status/1212625641465679872. 😉
And for the record, at least you have acknowledged a thing or two about two and three word domains before despite everything.
I meant this to be the first link: https://twitter.com/wwwsnoopy1683/status/1211060486105518080.
You can debate with Snoopy back and forth without me, but I have literally bought and sold millions of dollars worth of one word .com domain names in the last several years and I am always trying to buy them to enhance my portfolio.
Well since you put it that way, for the record you often don’t fail to disappoint either, I was pretty sure you wouldn’t this time but that wasn’t going to keep me from showing you that Twitter comment regardless, and you didn’t. I’m just wondering what part of my statement about the matter you didn’t understand since it’s all about me acknowledging the place of one word .coms and pointing out Snoopy’s falsehood regarding any “rise” since it’s not possible to rise from the top. Or maybe you just didn’t really read it and are making faulty assumptions.
On a separate but related note, can you believe I was able to find and register such a killer Twitter handle so recently?
I don’t see a point to discussing. Your mind is made up as is mine.
I hope you are making good money with whatever tactics and strategies you have been using.
Made up about what? You seem to think there is some disagreement about top one word domains here. Unless something else is going on or you’re being “obtuse” like the warden in Shawshank Redemption, you still apparently don’t get what I’m saying, though it’s really not very subtle and there are not many nuances and not any complicated nuances involved. And I’ve been very explicit across multiple blogs for easily a few years or more now. Nobody is disputing the value of the best one word .com’s. A lot of selfish, cynical, and sometimes simply ignorant or even flatly dishonest domainers don’t want to allow or admit the value of the best domains that are longer, however, especially past two words. And unless you haven’t been following the domain industry, let me assure you that the best one word domains were already on the radar prior to this decade and it’s a lie to say there has been any “rise of the one word .com” this past decade. In fact the opposite is true – a lot of misguided domainers you are so chummy with and think are the best have even been devaluing them. But why on earth would someone lie like that (rhetorical question)? It’s like saying the last two years has been the years of the “rise of Bitcoin.” Such BS. But in the context of the real debate, no surprise at all.
PS, and maybe you just didn’t read this up above either: https://domaininvesting.com/your-best-domain-name-purchase-of-2019/#comment-86041.
I will happily continue our discussion if you share a short list of your domain names with me. I am pretty open about what I invest in and what I sell on my corporate website, but as far as I recall, you have never shared any information about you business background related to domain names.
I did not read many comments from the last week and a half. I’ve been on vacation trying to not work much.
Happy new year.
INSYOR com is good to any assurtech startup
МооnWish for me.
Although I’m probably biased towards its quality since I have a weakness for words with ‘moo’ in them.
sell : 168.cc
and buy : tours.tw
I did not buy many this year. It was more of a year of purging for me, so I let many go (did not renew) and sold a few at wholesale prices. This is probably the best one I picked up: http://www.virtualboardmeeting.com/. It’s niche, but I would expect it to have value/appeal to a company in the conferencing space.
newyorkcity.realestate and chicago.realestate – We have every major city name and industry keyword for this extension and am curious what people think.