First it appeared that Godaddy (or Wikia, Inc.) was monetizing traffic that was intended for website by placing sponsored links on the standard coming soon landing page.
Next, it appeared that Godaddy had taken down all of the sponsored links on the landing page, perhaps in response to complaints about it monetizing the traffic. Some people still felt this wasn’t the right thing to do and thought that Godaddy should not have resolve at all.
Now, the day after the DNS was removed from, effectively taking it offline (until it moved offshore to, it appears that has nothing on its website. The current website says “Sorry this site is not currently available.”
Hi Elliot,
I noticed that a couple days ago and thought it was real strange. It wasn’t a normal GoDaddy parking page. I bet they got an ear-full from someone over that.
“Could become as important a journalistic tool as the Freedom of Information Act.” as the Time Magazine wrote a few years ago. And this is still true.
These sites are still working fine at the time of this posting: /.cc/.ch/.de/.eu/.info and a lot more.
“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad.”
Aldous Huxley
They may have got an ear full from someone or many who thought it was not appropriate. However I think it is fine and completely in their right. If someone doesn’t reg the .com and develops on another TLD then good on the .com owner for benefiting from it.
There goes the goverment again. We may as be in China. What’s the point in them covering this up now. Oh maybe we all will forget
So now wikileaks has taken their operation to some ccTLD are we now to see a game of cyber cat and mouse across the world as individual ccTLD registrys are leaned on to withdraw service to this organisation?
What value would one now place on wikileaks.XX? The .tv is probably worth something I should think!
Hi. After opening, my safari didn’t work well. I was opening and, now when I open those 2 websites by typing exactly like that, they will open a page saying “Wiki does not exist”.
I hope those who see this comment will help me.
Thank you. :]
Found this to be a bit interesting…..
December 15th Update:
Company mistakenly drawn into WikiLeaks drama
A case of mistaken identity lands one Canadian company in hot water regarding WikiLeaks
“In a bizarre attempt to win back his customers, Jeftovic opted to get directly involved in the controversy by agreeing to host three WikiLeaks domain names:,, and All three names will be hosted on special servers separate from the company’s servers. Jeftovic told Times reporters that his decision was precipitated by a meeting with an individual from outside of Canada who approached Jeftovic to discuss hosting the Wikileaks domain names.
Jeftovic now claims to receive more supportive emails than condemnatory emails, but now he is facing criticism from anti-Wikileaks customers, some of whom have even left the company.
Jeftovic explained to reporters that he finds it unusual that so many companies (referring to PayPal and ilk) felt the need “to pull the plug, close accounts and otherwise deny service to what is, in the absence of formal legal charges against them, a perfectly legal entity performing legal activities.”
He does not believe the case of mistaken identity will harm business, and in fact, he believes he may even benefit from the torrent of free publicity.
“There’s a minority who are saying ‘You’re a traitor to the U.S.’ — which is strange since I’m in Canada,” Jeftovic remarked.”