Why I’ve Been Using a Lawyer for Escrow

In the last couple of years, I have been using a lawyer for escrow services more than ever before. Although there tend to be more steps when using a lawyer for escrow, I have found the deal closing process to be more streamlined, often quicker, and the cost is flexibly reasonable.

When I use a lawyer for escrow, I can integrate the purchase agreement with the escrow agreement. Instead of using a purchase agreement that doesn’t totally align with the escrow agreement, having a unified purchase agreement is helpful. This is primarily an issue on a payment plan deal or when special terms are necessary in the purchase agreement. It is easier to get a counterparty to agree to language on an integrated agreement.

A lawyer doesn’t have the same KYC (know your customer) requirements as a licensed escrow provider. I have run into KYC issues numerous times. For instance, the CTO or CFO of a large company won’t necessarily want to become personally KYC’d with a driver’s license or other form of identification on a $25,000 domain name sale that won’t benefit her personally.

The best part about using an attorney is the fee flexibility. I have done a few escalating lease to own deals where the buyer seeks a lower initial price because they want to use a high value domain name to fuel growth. It doesn’t make sense for a buyer to pay $2,000/month for the first year but have a $xx,000 escrow fee due at the time of initiation because the ultimate value of the deal is well into the 6 figures. I am also unwilling to pay more for an escrow fee than I will make in the first few months of a deal. I have found the IP lawyers I have used for escrow offer some level of flexibility on their fees in line with the escalating payment structure.

There are a few drawbacks to using an attorney for escrow that I should mention since this is not always ideal.

In order to get started with an attorney-led escrow transaction, the attorney needs to be available. Most IP attorneys don’t operate 24/7 businesses, so if a deal needs to be put into escrow right away, that’s not usually going to happen. It can also take time to draft the agreement. This is not generally a big delay, but it does take more time.

An additional consideration people need to make is that the escrow attorney will need to be independent in the deal. This means that if the deal utilizes an attorney I work with for my domain name legal needs, I would not be able to use the attorney should a legal issue arise with the deal in the future.

The final drawback is a buyer may be less willing to work with an attorney they don’t know. While attorneys are licensed and have legal requirements to fulfill, someone may be less inclined to use an attorney than a licensed escrow service.

I particularly like using an attorney on more complicated deals as I have found the escrow process to go more smoothly.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I think it is the best option at this point in the domain market with cheap monthly leases.
    I have an appointment next month with an intellectual property lawyer in Madrid – Spain to draw up domain lease contracts with monthly amounts that are appropriate between the seller and buyer. Many of the clauses will be normal and if the buyer wants to advance monthly payments, he can do so and settle the lease contract before the months are up by paying the total amount that was left. We will do it very similar to bank loan contracts.

  2. Or you could go with the best of both worlds and use EscrowDomains where you are using a lawyer (re Greenberg & Lieberman at aplegal.com) but who has experience with escrow and does function out of hours. 🙂

  3. I really like this idea, especially for large deals. Some of the large escrow services have become very impersonal and often provide very poor service and communication. You generally won’t have that problem with a lawyer with whom you have a personal/professional relationship. I really like Stevan’s idea above, now that I know about it!

  4. I had a large Norwegian company that wanted to use an attorney and I was uneasy about that and forced usage of escrow.com. They became uneasy as they never heard of escrow.com . They finally caved due to really wanting the name. I have to be really careful on that route in the future.


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