Why I Like Supplies.com Domain Names

I like Supplies.com domain names because nearly every business or industry has supplies, and where there are supplies, there are usually companies that sell supplies online. Likewise, people search for different types of supplies online, and as we all know, a developed website on a keyword domain name can rank well in Google and Bing.

So how do you know what type of Supplies.com domain name to buy? I generally do two types of searches before making an acquisition – a Google keyword search and a general Google search. With the former, you are able to see a very rough estimate of how many people are searching for that particular keyword/phrase per month (I do an exact match search). With the later, you are able to see the number of results and get an idea of the amount of advertisers. Obviously the more advertisers, the greater the potential to earn with Adsense/PPC, as well as seeing who your potential buyer could be if you opt to sell.

If you plan to develop a Supplies.com domain name, there is one important thing to keep in mind. People who visit aren’t generally looking for information – they are looking to buy supplies. Most of my developed domain names are informational websites, and I don’t need to have a product. With a Supplies.com domain name, it would behoove you to sell supplies.

One way to sell supplies without having to worry about inventory management and fulfillment is to work with a company that does drop shipping. Many companies offer this option regardless of who you are (as long as you open an account and possibly subject to a minimum opening order). Additionally, if you own the category-defining Supplies.com domain name, other companies who don’t regularly offer drop shipping might offer it to you, because they recognize your brand, even though it might not be developed. It’s one of the benefits of a great domain name.

I don’t own any Supplies.com domain names, but I would buy a good one to develop in the future.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I own a industry supplies.com and I am happy I own it. The industry is very profitable, except hard to sell product in. (complex industry) I waited on buying the supply.com for several months and then one of the top suppliers in this industry bought it. I guess my lesson here is to buy when I think it is a good buy because I think the singular is more valuable to a specific company inside an industry therefore an opportunity to sell to an end user. If you want to develop the domain, maybe the plural is more valuable. Either way buy the plural and singular when you get the chance.

  2. Can you expound on the drop shipping. Lets say i have xxxsupplies.com. Set up a website that gets traffic. Contact the company and ask them whether they would like to particapate etc Can u give a break down on how this works. Also how does the drop shipping work also. Do i need to set up a link on the website. I just have not seen anyone explain this in detail or how they do it when they have a domain that brings in traffic and would like to partner with a comapny.

  3. Hi El,

    you’re spot on with this noun/subject. In fact, one of my clients has a domain with the word supplies that is ready to be built and I was just talking about “supplies” as a subject with an associate. Timely, to say the least!

    good job.

  4. I like keyword supply and supplies.com name for awhile

    Elliot, good post. Have a question though.

    If your after a keywordsupplies.com name and been aged for years but can’t afford there price but only have a few hundred to spend what would you do?

    Would you seek out 2 word supplies.com or 2 word supply.com out and save the money

    Would you buy the keyword supplies.net out cheaply?

    You have a set game plan up for these names and know what your doing but can’t afford x, xxx right now on .com

    Just wondering what you suggest and its a brief and general topic

  5. This is something I looked into with a .co domain – I bought a “supply” named .co – so well see what happens with .co domains and if it will be easy or hard to sell.


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