If you are interested in having your domain name(s) listed for sale at the TRAFFIC conference auction in Las Vegas, right now is the time to submit them. Submissions are being accepted for a week (or less). The conference will be held from May 29 – June 1 at the Bellagio Hotel & Casino.
Conference organizers have done away with the paid submissions in an effort to have more control over quality, and they are targeting 85%+ of the auction to be no reserve to keep things interesting and for a higher sales rate. It also appears that they are targeting one word domain names.
Here are ten aspects about the submission requirements shared by Rick Schwartz this morning:
First, there will no longer be paid submissions. It was a tool we used to jumpstart what we were doing but it is no longer needed and we lose control of some of the quality doing it like that.
Secondly, more than 85% of the auction will not only be NO RESERVE, but we are featuring ONE WORD domains with NO RESERVE. So those that submit domains with one word get priority as is the case with leasable domains.
Third, the submission process is only open for 1 WEEK or LESS. That’s it. Starting today. Once the dance card is filled, we are closing submissions and judging from what has already been sent in anticipation of this announcement, won’t be open long. Could close as early as Friday or MONDAY.
Fourth, as you know there is only so many hours in a day so let me say I just can’t respond to 1000’s of emails. So, listen closely……I am not trying to be rude…….but you will ONLY hear back from me IF I select your domain. ONLY!
Really. I am sorry. Don’t include notes etc for me to respond to because I may not see the note as I only focus on the domains and I don’t care who submits what. I only focus on the domain name. I don’t do favors. I only focus on the domain name. I only pick based upon the other submissions. Domains speak for themselves.
I will look at stats if any. Post next to the domain name.
Fifth, don’t send attachments. I won’t open them and I will just delete the email. Sorry. Put your domains in the body of the email only.
Sixth, Don’t send me lists of hundreds of domains. Pick 10-20 you want me to consider. Again, no reserve has priority and ones that have a reserve must be priced to sell to a domainer not an end user. This is a WHOLESALE AUCTION!! If a domainer can not expect a minimum of a 10x return, forget about it!
Seventh, This will be a VERY fast moving auction. Even faster than last year because this year I will be sitting in the audience with a GAVEL in hand. No action, the gavel goes down and NEXT!! REALLY!
Eighth, Escrow.com will once again handling all transactions. In our first year, last year, we devised a system that will make transfers even faster. We were able to close 75% of all the sales within 14 days of returning from the show.
Ninth, Percentage of sales will be highest ever! Period!
Tenth, It will be fun, exciting and most importantly, profitable.
If you would like your domain name to be considered for inclusion in the TRAFFIC auction, you need to send an email to Rick Schwartz: domainking at gmail.com.
hi Elliot! I went to the traffic website but saw no where to submit my domains
You need to email Rick Schwartz directly. His email address is on the bottom of the post.
Looks a bit of fun, im in
I have seen some recent traffic auctions and every of them was a joke.
I recommend people to read about recent traffic achievements before submitting anything there.
Rick Schwartz even laughed at people who submitted domains on his auction and got rubbish money for them.
Shane from domainshane.com even commented that and obviously RS attacked him.
Adam’s correct.
I like and greatly appreciate all that Rick’s done — and continues to do — for the benefit of all golden .com domain owners & sellers.
That said, anyone willing to have their .coms auctioned off — especially single worders with no minimum bid (something Rick himself would never, ever do) — at TRAFFIC might as well hold up a sign saying, “Will sell for food.”
Adam, you are a joke.
And domainshanes friend was looking for a pen pal.
Once he was done with the bidding the call was terminated.
We don’t run a date line!