As you can see week in and week out, domain owners sell a lot of domain name inventory in Sedo. While their brokers generally handle the highest value sales (some of which aren’t ever reported), the vast majority of sales seem to take place on the platform, either with buy it now pricing or via negotiations.
Sedo has posted a white paper online with advice for domain owners on how they can more effectively sell their domain names. Whether you are posting your names for sale on Sedo or another aftermarket platform, its a worthwhile read.
You can download the white paper for free on Sedo’s website, and you don’t have to have an account to get it. Check it out and perhaps you’ll learn a thing or two to help sell your names.
Does Sedo have a bot/algorithm that decides which names qualify for their big auction?
I know i don’t have the nest names in the world, but I also know they don’t suck THAT badly. I have been at this going on 3 years now and I have NEVER had one name accepted by sedo.
One of my biggest sales was a name rejected by Sedo for “quality” reasons. So i have concluded that they probably have a computer program that selects names.
It’s more like an advertisement than tips. I stopped reading after “3. Order a Sedo appraisal”
You are right but they can be powerful too. We have released white papers that ended up with thousands of downloads/brand exposure. They are often used by reporters researching a topic. One got us in Time magazine and an interview on NPR. Releasing a paper related to your site/subject is smart.
Thanks Elliot.
Interesting / useful; but very self-serving.
With more bad advice to pay for useless, money-wasting appraisals.
A quick way to sell your domain like any real estate is the PRICE.
Just list it at 99cent and it definitely will sell.
You want appraisal, just email to me, I’ll do it for you-FREE.
The main reason I love this domain crap is because it is SO FREE.
There is no objective or subjective “answers”. Everyone is right.
Love it!!
I know setting reasonable BIN prices on a portfolio of above average names will lead to a greater number of domains being sold over a year’s time. What I don’t know is if selling 50 domains with reasonable BIN prices will generate more money than selling 20 domains with negotiated prices. I suspect it depends on the negotiator…
I would be much more interested to see them hire a legit statistician and do a study between groups of similar quality domain names (one group with BIN prices and one with no BIN but listed by sellers with a strong sales history). I doubt that would serve their purposes, though.
hi fn
Sedo made me that dozens of times and i think their methodology is very controversial and cynical. I guess they are taking profit of the crisis particularly on domainining. Weeks after weeks they announce a new auction where domains are those bought on the streets for a bargain.
i simply don´t trust them.
@ Gnanes and Steve M
Perhaps you are right, but there are many people who read my blog that have no experience selling domain names, and if they can get past the fact that it’s part of the company’s marketing strategy there are some good suggestions.
BTW, I’ve written about my disdain for appraisals many times 🙂 Here’s one article I quickly found where I mention this:
As a domain seller though, perhaps there is some redeeming value… more on that in a couple days when i get some time to flesh out my thoughts on it.
I am selling the rights to my domain name – (
and am contacting a few companies that I think may be
able to use this web name successfully.
You can use in your operation as it has
good potential to increase traffic and business to your site.
Please contact me at your convenience if you are
interested in this domain name.
Thank you for your time.
Paris – France