I stumbled across a nice exact match .com domain name (EMD) brand that I want to share with you. As one might expect when they type in PicnicBaskets.com, the company specializes in the sale of picnic baskets. No matter what kind of picnic basket you might want to buy for yourself or a gift, PicnicBaskets.com likely has it.
People often ask “is it better to own the singular domain name or the plural?” In this case I think the plural is better. Regardless of your opinion on that, the company is covered. The same company owns PicnicBasket.com, and it forwards to PicnicBaskets.com. There are no worries about confusion or having a competitor operate on a similar domain name.
It looks like the Pennsylvania-based company has owned these domain names for quite some time. DomainTools historical Whois records show this company (and likely an associated entity) has
owned the domain name for well over ten years. I checked NameBio, and I don’t see any record of public sales for either of these domain names.
I sometimes get a bit annoyed when a large company owns a great EMD that isn’t being used and isn’t for sale at any price. On the other hand, I get excited when I see a company using an EMD in the way a random visitor might expect. Even without knowing anything about PicnicBaskets.com, I would assume they are experts in the picnic basket business.
Because of their domain name, I will probably end up buying a picnic basket from PicnicBaskets.com.
Elliot, very nice piece of info. It funny that for SEO reasons picnic-basket.com ranks higher and I search for “picnic baskets”… so I think I would be buying from what I see on first page. What do you think? – Alex
Plurals or not plural…
Elliott, which, do you prefer?