Current Domain Aftermarket and Sale Trends

Many people are interested in knowing about current aftermarket and sale trends in the domain name business. This information helps me  with  acquisitions and sales, and it  can be helpful in making planning decisions.

I operate and maintain a relatively small portfolio of around 500 domain names, so I am not really able to answer this on a macro level, aside from what I see reported publicly. I reached out to a somewhat diverse group of people who I know are active in the business to ask what they are seeing in the domain business. Their thoughts are below.

One thing to note is that a few people mentioned that they would respond and I didn’t hear back yet. If/when they respond, I will be adding them to this article, so it might behove you to come back again in a little while.

I welcome you to share your thoughts on what you are seeing in the domain name aftermarket as well:

Jeffrey Gabriel, Vice President of Sales at Uniregistry:

The trends I am noticing are:

More sales of GTLDs. Not necessarily big money sales, just more transactions compared to last year.
Slower Chinese market compared to last year. Less transactions.
More sales in Europe. We are up about 20%. We did have some fallout when the Brexit happened, business slowed, however a lot of those deals came back.
The USA has grown in transactions but not significantly.

Nat Cohen, CEO, Telepathy:

Still seeing strong demand for premium dot-com domains for use as brands. The long-term trends of increasing global demand, diminishing supply, and rising valuations for these domains have continued throughout the many changes in the marketplace in the last few years.

India looks to be growing market for domains, including for their local and .in country codes. China remains a strong source of demand. In addition to investor driven demand there are signs that end-user Chinese companies are increasingly entering the market to purchase dot-com domains for their online branding.

Dave Evanson, Senior Broker, Sedo

Aftermarket trends indicate strength in the numbers. Dot com remains King despite continued growth in awareness and adoption of new gTLDs. One word .coms still rank high though an increasing number of 6-figure sales are coming from alternative extensions. Short .coms such as 3-letter still score well as many move to China. Premium dot com inventory is a little light at the moment but still flowing as holders of 20-25 year old domains prepare for retirement. Demand and supply including new and well-funded investors offset by premium domain owners wanting or needing funds will continue yielding healthy brokerage and marketplace sales. More Buy It Now (BIN) priced sales via wide distribution will result in greater share of easy and quick transactions. India is a huge market to watch with expectations for healthy growth although not as strong as China.

Parking is steady or slightly off but remains a quantifiable and effective domain sales facilitator. More portfolio acquisitions are coming with perhaps over $500 million ready to be invested. With more gTLDs for sale some registries consolidated as marketplace feedback demonstrates not all business plans are working. These and other factors should provide a small uptick in, or at least maintain, pricing for legacy long tails.

Andee Hill, Business Development, Donuts:

Donuts is seeing a big uptake in well funded startups and small to medium businesses using our names. We are also seeing companies buying their ideal and descriptive name in the aftermarket. In turn, the more skeptical Dot Com investors are now recognizing the huge opportunities in our names.

In the last six months, the number of larger Donuts domain investors in China, Europe, and Canada have almost doubled. We are also seeing increased activity with Indian investors.

Well funded startups are using (and convincing their investors) that these names make sense. Some examples include

www.17.Media 10 million personal media sharing site
www.Skills.Fund 11.5million funding for bootcamp students
www.Fire.Glass 20 million Data security
www.Data.World 14 million database solution (aftermarket for 10k with registration price as low as $110)

Andrew Rosener, CEO, Media Options:

We are seeing a strong uptick in the demand and prices for one word .com domains and very strong two word .com brands. Demand is increasing and it is getting increasingly more difficult to find them, particularly at attractive pricing. The convergence of these two factors will drive a substantial price increase in top tier one word brands in my opinion. Also seeing a strengthening of the 2 letter .com market again which has been soft since early 2016, post Chinese New Year. Overall I think that top tier .com domain names are beginning another uptick in value and liquidity.

Giuseppe Graziano, Founder of

I will talk only on the market I know best – which are the short .com domains up to 4 letter and 5 number – therefore if you focus on brandables, new Gs or one word domains, feel free to read on.
In terms of short term trend, we are seeing the market picking up again, especially on the four letter .com side. I do not necessarily see this reflected in the 4N and the higher end of domains, and I would wait before thinking that the market is getting out of its bearish outlook. The conferences in China and the buy limit order on some platforms definitely helped though.

The most important long term trend is the depolarization of price ranges. If you look back at 2010, there were 2 letter .com domains selling for $100k and others like selling for $8M. This is not the case anymore, and all short domains (with notable exceptions) trade between ranges. This is both good and bad depending on which side you look at the market. If you are an investor, this is bad because there are less market inefficiencies to profit from – at the same time it is good because the greater market efficiency is attracting more people to the industry.

Many of these conventions are actually arbitrary – for example why a four letter .com chip should be worth 4-5 times more than a regular four letter and why a 2 letter .com with vowels should be worth half the price of a Chinese premium, is something that I do not really see reflected in the end user market. These market inefficiencies is where the intelligent long term investor should, in my opinion, focus on. And this is where the smartest people I know, are actually focusing on. If you are interested in these and other market updates, I cover these topics in my newsletter.

Andy Booth:

The market for short liquid domains is still very much alive and recently there have been signs of movement in the right direction.

For many months now, since the end of last year, prices have stagnated and even in some instances regressed in certain categories, for example three letter .com.

China are once again buying and this has been reinforced by a few domains selling to end users. One such example is which apparently fetched a six figure USD sum. I suspect demand and prices will increase for these kind of domains in the fall so now might be a great time to buy.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Hello Jeffrey Gabriel,(Uniregistry)

    ” More sales of GTLDs. Not necessarily big money sales, just more transactions compared to last year. ”

    Experts like Mike Mann, Rick Schwartz and ourselves question more GTLD sales ??
    We are finding No Demand and No liquidity and sparse sales in the GTLDs. New GTLD investors are trapped with Illiquid GTLD debt obligations, that are rarely bought by Professional Smart Money Domainers. The only Buyers are usually Google Advertisers, for use in Googles SEM Traffic Stealing Corridor. Whats up Jeffrey ? , this is quite a discrepancy??

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master

    • Mr. Schneider,

      Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it.

      I think there has been a lot of investors that entered the GTLD space expecting it to be a cash windfall of liquidity. The majority of the general public does not know that these new extensions even exist. Go to your local watering hole and ask some folks.

      What I am seeing is the heat dial starting to move on a very big steam train. It takes a little while to bring all that water to a boil, but once it begins it is not going to stop.

      Are we seeing the same thing the other experts have written especially in regards to one and two word .coms? Absolutely it goes without saying.

      The volume of the number of sales of the new GTLDs is much higher than it was than last year. I expect it to be even higher a year from now.

      Jeffrey M. Gabriel
      Vice President of Sales –
      1-949-416-2555 x6261

    • Hello Jeffrey,

      ” The volume of the number of sales of the new GTLDs is much higher than it was than last year. I expect it to be even higher a year from now. ”

      We believe it is an economic Certainty, that New TLDs as well as GTLDs are not immune to Supply and Demand Capitalism. The new TlDS and New GTLDS are flooding the market, which means No liquidity, No Demand, No Economic Value. Whereas .COM Profit Centers are Sparse and in Ultra High Demand on a Global Basis.As you know, or don’t know, New TLDs as well as New GTLDS are only used in limited fashion for special promotions aimed at the all important .COM Profit Centers Globally. You may want to consider your position above, because its Not based on Economic Fundamentals.

      We believe you are misguided in your Marketing Analysis above.We believe the heat dial on your so called Steam train, is portending an Economic Train Wreck for New TLDS and New GTLDS. Your beliefs are not going to change the Economic Fundamentals of Supply Demand Capitalism. Thank You Jeffrey.

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master

    • Hello Jeffrey Gabriel,

      We are afraid that you as well as other New TLD and New GTLD Brokers are confused about what New TLD and New GTLD extensions are really for.

      The new Google financed and inspired TLDs introductions, that Google heavily promoted ICANN accepting, were never meant to be extensions that would be used predominately for Stand Alone Business Destinations. Their Highest and Best use would be for proliferating Digital Junk Mail infused into Googles SEO Maze.They would be Googles tools to expand their Search Engine Marketing Base. This Marketing strategy has succeeded extremely well, at the expense of uneducated Domain Speculators.

      Domainers not aware of this big picture started speculating in new TLDs as being capable of being stand alone Business destination addresses. This was due to the new TLD promoters concerted effort to employ Bait and Switch advertising by assigning the .COM assets values and strengths to the new TLDs in other words Bait and Switch deceptive Marketing.

      This questionable strategy is now becoming more evident and Domainers are waking up after the fact of purchasing new TLDs only to find them to be Debt lease obligations and NOT resembling anything close to .COM Assets.

      Domainers are being Fleeced.While Google expands their Search Engine Marketing Base.Don’t be fooled By Scroogle.

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • Mr. Schneider,

      I do not know what Google’s future strategies are for the new GTLDs. What I do know is the number of sales of them has increased over last year. It has consistently increased, hence the analogy of gaining slow, strong, steady momentum. Just like a steam train.

      @Elliot, another great article. Cheers to you helping so many in the bike rice you participated in.

      Have a great weekend.

      Jeffrey M. Gabriel
      Vice President of Sales

    • Hello Jeffrey Gabriel,

      From one professional to another. We suggest you stake your reputation and professional image on .COM Profit Center Assets. There are wheels moving in the background that will totally obsolesce Google Onine Marketing strategies that will thrust .COM Profit centers Valuations even higher.Friendly Advice. Thanks Jeffrey.

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

  2. Startups and end-users around the world, will the biggest buyers of domain names going forward. That trend will last for next 5 years or more. India and China will be the biggest players.

    One and two word .Com .Co and .io brandable names, keyword descriptive names and Invented names, are the names they are going to use. .Com will be the most popular of course.

    .Web will be a very popular new gTLD when it becomes available to the general public. It will replace .Net as number 2 and will be an option, if a .Com name is not available. .Com will remain the king.
    .Club is the best gTLD offered as of right now, with it having the most live active websites.

    • Please explain to me why .web is so much better than the well established, well know and well used .net

      They both mean the same to end users, “the web”

    • Mary,

      Only because Verisign will be in complete control of .Web unlike .Net and .Com. They will have no overhead in regards to running .Web.
      Plus the younger generation use the term Web more than Net.

      It wouldn’t surprise me if .Web passed .Com in use and popularity someday, far into the future though.

      Again, these are just my opinions.


    • @Mark
      You can always wish and make opinions. I’m sure a lot of blinded investors will try to invest in unproven gTLDs such as .web. If the price is right, I might join the bandwagon. But if the price is set with premium, they can keep their extensions.

      Cheers to everyone.


    • What a joke! It’s called the Internet, which youngsters call “NET” – no one uses Web, short for World Wide Web – that phrase died out a long time ago @

      The only thing .web is good for is spider.web and you can consider the registries pitching this as the spider and the suckers they hook, the flies.

    • @?

      I was just stating what will probably happen in regards to .Web.
      I am a .Com guy, 99% of my portfolio is .Com.
      So obviously, I do not “wish” for .Web or any other gTLD to do better than .Com.

      But you also cannot just sit back and Ignore new and old gTLDs or ccTLDs.

      Again, these are only my opinions. You do whatever you want to do.

    • Reuben,

      I think Verisign knows what they are doing with buying the rights to own .Web, while also managing .Com and .Net at the same time.
      They did not pay $135 million to bury .Web, they did it in defense of other gTLDs taking registrations away from .Net and to protect .Com.

      I also think knew what they their doing by choosing to buy for their company name instead of

      Also, estimated average monthly searches for the word Web is around 7.6 million compared to 5.0 million for Net.

      No one really knows what will be done with .Web except for Verisign. They said .Web will be offered as an additional option. Time will tell.


  3. A nice article , I strongly believe Yes India’s market will be huge , its the next big market for domain names. IMO, .IN CCTLD is picking up steam and its the perfect time to look into the same. big companies who can afford nice .com names also will likely to happen , per example purchased for 80000 USD , there are many similar examples noticed in last few months and many more likely to be seen in future.

  4. Thanks Elliot, Great insights

    I like these points
    The most important long term trend is the depolarization of price ranges.
    greater market efficiency is attracting more people to the industry.

    Startups and end-users around the world, will the biggest buyers of domain names going forward
    no overhead in regards to running .Web

    Can anyone suggest a way to use .web as a platform?
    I think .web will be used as a platform. I think there’s more to it than a “conversion” or stand alone. .net was a popular term but not a popular extension.
    I doubt any one New “G” can compete with .com, cn, and .in Instead, as a group attract a significant portion of the New (G)rowth. That’s why I call em the New “G’s” 😉

    Next year I think growth will take a pause. So much has happened in a short amount of time. A trimming of the fat, more market integration before marching on.
    Thanks to all who participated!

    • Hello 168

      It is an Economic certainty that .web and All Other New (Google Top Level Domain Spam) = GTLDS in reality are destroying Corporate Brands ability to be differentiated from their Competitors, within the Google Traffic stealing Corridors Massive assemblage of other Brand Competitors. .web will be an economic Marketing Strategy Failure.Guranteed ! You say you don’t understand? You as well as others need to do your Due Dilligence on New GTLD Marketing Strategy. Want to know Marketing Strategy truths? Follow us on Linked-In.

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • Jeff Schneider

      I didn’t say I don’t understand.
      Due diligence and spell check is also
      appropriate when replying to a comment
      or opinion.
      My strategy has served me well.
      I’ll pass at following you Linked-In.
      Thank you
      wish you the best with your Strategy.

    • Lol, but for really effective blog comments, you have to use random capital letters for Important Phrases, and give yourself a bunch of meaningless appellations after your name.

      Belatedly, John Berryhill (Ruling Junta) (FEMA certified fallout shelter survey technician) (Former Domino’s Pizza Delivery Manager) (WTF Nonsense Blather Instructor)

    • Hello John Berryhill,

      For Really Effective blog comments, it is essential to expose Marketing Strategy Truths.We are very effectively educating Domainers on Smart Online Marketing Strategies. As for meaningless appellations, they may be meaningless for you, but very effectively Identify who we are, sorry if our professional back ground Threatens you.

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • Hello 168,

      Our Marketing Strategies will be overtaking yours in due time.It is you that will need Good Luck,we can assure you of that.

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • Hello John Berryhill ??

      We don’t Follow, We Create !
      We take Full Accountability and Responsibility for our Marketing Intelligence Calls. JAS 8/19/16

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • Can’t resist…

      Andrew Rosener (Domain Broker)(Fish Monger)(Boston Celtics Basketball scoring technician)(meat butcher)(lawn mower)(snow shoveler)(meter reader)(Salvage yard slave)(deli jockey)(camp instructor)(bar tender)(bouncer)(former life Black Bear but not metal)

    • Hello Andrew,

      Wow, pretty funny, There are lots of our close followers watching. Have fun for now, We will be doing the chuckling as this all rolls out. Good Luck.JAS 8/24/16

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • Hello 168,

      Good Question : ” Can anyone suggest a way to use .web as a platform? ”

      We can think of a most effective platform for .web (remove the dot and use web as a .COM Profit Center sub-domain ( ) Its what the really Smart money is doing if they absolutely want to use Web .

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • Hello John Berryhill,

      We respect your considerable expertise in defending .COM Profit Centers. We respect you and now you criticize our considerable efforts and work on behalf of Legacy Domainers (.COM Profit Center Domainers.)??

      We don’t Follow, We Create ! is a perfect representation of our Group (.COM Profit Center Domainers.)

      We are now coining a new definition of .COM Profit Centers:

      ( .COM Profit Centers are the New Super Investor Class called EQUIMODDITIES JAS 8/31/16 ) Enjoy Defending them in the future.

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

  5. The latest figures from the IE Domain Registry (IEDR) released today show that 100 .ie domains were registered every day in the half-year period from 1 January to 30 June, a total of 18,179.

    In its third dot ie Domain Profile Report, which analyses the makeup of the .ie domain database, IEDR revealed that the .ie domain registry continues to grow at a steady rate.

    There are now 217,374 registered .ie domains in total; this represents an almost 6 percent increase on June 2015, or a 47.8 percent increase over the last six years.

  6. imagine if there were no domain investors just end users. how many domains would actually be registered.

    note if no one owned and someone bought it because it was available they would be investing.

    just end users, not future end users

  7. Hello Elliot,

    Many Legacy Domainers, are missing the Rick Schwartz Traffic Conference. Yes there should be a Domainer conference MINUS , the Webmaster (Google Advertising Advocates) that have swooped into our Industry, spreading their Google Doctrine, of how New GTLDs and New TLDs are a Great Online Advertising Strategy. What a Travesty. Rick Schwartz, saw all this coming, and retired. Traffic Conferences Knew the power of the .COM Profit Centers as the superior Marketing Strategy. Our Industry has been over run with FALSE Marketing Strategy Truths at the hands of Google Lobbying Money and Influence Peddling.

    Even Frank Schilling (Googles Acquired Poster Boy) is now drinking the Google Kool-Aid, Marketing Doctrine for his High Profit bottom line.

    The Really Smart Money Domainers that are Educated on Marketing Strategies are laughing, watching this whole Circus Event. They own .COM Profit Centers and are holding on for the inevitable surge of the massive Pool of Money that will reposition out of New TLDs into .COM Profit Center Marketing Strategy Assets.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

  8. Hello Elliot,

    We want to acknowledge your fearless pursuit of allowing free speech to flourish in a Truth thirsty environment, looking for the answers in a somewhat Cloudy Advertising Soaked Environment. Simple Truths are often squashed by Big Money backed Concerns with their only concern being Total Control. We all are grateful,for you having the balls to expose skillful imposters profit driven, self serving motives. This takes great courage on your part and We Domainers all owe you Thanks ! JAS

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

  9. Hello Elliot,

    More and more Educated (Online Marketing Strategists) will be deserting The Google Advertising Platform. The Really Smart (Online Marketing Strategists)will be migrating out of Googles Marketing Platform to Traffic Rustling Free Platforms, that Enable their End User Clients that are using .COM Profit Centers to Enjoy the Traffic Compounding Aspects Inherent to the .COM Profit Centers. JAS 8/24/16

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • I particularly like reading Jeff’s comments. I do think he could use some domain consulting, possibly from you, as he has the right of the dot down pat, but the left of the dot not so much with (I certainly hope you didn’t trademark UseBiz)

      He could definitely Use a (Website Strategists) to design a better website. For one thing, people don’t read Size 8 font anymore! Then half of his site is just completely blank.

      But I will definitely stick my head out to say that I think Jeff adds a lot of value to your comments especially if free speech is important to you or the SEO value of his comments and the responses.

      One things for sure, his comments can ruffle some feathers and create controversy, but thats a good thing for your blog.

      At the bottom of his site, he even says:

      I Love You , I am Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You

    • Hello Reuben,

      Thanks for particularly liking our comments. There is something particularly likeable about Whistle Blowers that tell the truth.

      Here is the Big Picture : Frank Schilling is the Pied piper, leading the Lemmings over the Cliff.

      Where as Rick Schwartz is the Oracle leading the Lemmings away from the Cliff. Thanks for being Perceptive. JAS 8/24/16

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • All URL Owners Desperately need to know that once inside the Google Ad platform, Google has Total control of where Traffic goes and how much of your URLs Traffic you actually receive.

      Whereas with (Direct URL Navigation), your Online company is in 100% Control of Traffic Directed at your Companies Web Site (No Traffic Leakage to your competitors) ??

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • It is absolutely astounding how little Google Adsense Advertising participants really understand, about the Strategic loss of traffic their Corporate Brands are suffering. (Mind Boggling )

      Is your companies Marketing Department asleep at the switch?

      The inescapable truth is Google Adsense users have no choice in the matter, inside Googles Traffic Stealing Corridor, where they send 20-45% of their Brands Traffic, systematically to their competitors.

      This Rustled free Float of .COM Profit Centers Traffic is diverted to Google Adsense participants competitors who are often One click away on Googles Brand selection offering page.

      Is your companies Marketing Staff aware of this Strategic Online Marketing Gaff?

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master

    • Hello Elliot,

      Keep up the good work in exposing TRUTHS

      Here are 2 theoretical Questions?
      1 How much traffic would you lose using Google based SEM online Marketing Strategy ?
      2 How much traffic would you lose using NON-.COM extensions ?

      our answer to 1 = (20 to 45% Traffic loss)

      our answer to 2 = (50 to 60% Traffic loss)

      NOW here is the Big Question ? Why would a savvy Online Marketing Strategist use either one of these strategies??

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master

    • Hello Elliot,

      ( .COM Equimoddities ) are the most Powerful form of Perpetual Advertising any Online End-User can Control. JAS 9/2/16 — Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)(Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master

  10. The Google Ad Platform is its own Algorithm Controlled Traffic Monopoly.
    If you are lucky enough to own and control your own .COM Profit Center (OPERATING OUTSIDE THE GOOGLE TRAFFIC MONOPOLY) you in effect own and control your own Traffic Monopoly.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

  11. Hello Elliot,

    We are glad you don’t care. We are educating the Blogosphere who the Double Talking Imposters are. Cheers !

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • Hello Elliot,

      ” And who would those “double talking imposters” be? ”

      Answer to your question above: = (Google Ad Platform Advertisers)

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

  12. Hello Elliot,

    It seems you are now blocking our comments, this is a strategically wrong decision. You are aware that this precludes you from an open Blog, Big Mistake , we will give you time to think about this. Mean while there is a concerted effort to muzzle Marketing Online Truths within the cozy Google Centric Lobby Money Group. This is being revealed by the Really Smart Wall street Money. If you block our comments hereafter you will suffer consequences that will reveal your blog as a joke. Think about it SERIOuSLY, but not too long, we are becoming impatient with your Truth Blocking efforts , to Whats really going down.

  13. Great article , India’s market will be huge , its the next big market for domain names. IMO, .IN CCTLD is picking up steam and its the perfect time to look into the same.


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