Keep Your Friends on the Ball

If you know about a new technology or some other tool that can help a friend or colleague, don’t hesitate to tell them. If your friend resists, but you KNOW it can help them, do whatever it takes to make sure they get the picture – especially if it’s free! I sometimes think people are all as knowledgeable about social media as I am, but my world is much different than the average person in that I am connected online 24/7.

I was a late Twitter adopter, but I have embraced it with for my blog and my developed websites. I believe it’s a great way to communicate, although I am guilty of primarily using it as an outlet to dispense news and links rather than to have a conversation. I have constantly told friends and colleagues they need to get a Twitter account before someone else gets “theirs.”

I saw a tweet from my alma mater today, and I was very proud. Rewind several months to a conversation I had with a member of the College’s administration, who has become a good friend. In fact, he’s the only person I want to meet with when it comes to donations/development, even though its not his role!

Me: You need to secure a twitter account for Muhlenberg –
It’s available to secure right now, which you should do… you’ll thank me later.
Check Gettysburg:
Get on it!!!

Friend: Thanks.   We are re-designing the web site and looking at lots of social media……Twitter is one we are looking at.   Hard to tell which ones will stick and which will fade, but….

Me: The account is free….at least reserve /muhlenberg so when you do decide it’s worthwhile, you won’t have to get muhlenberg_college or something confusing.

Friend: Yes, we are doing it.   Thanks for the heads up.   Social networking and integrating it into pr and admissions is one of the things in our strategic plan. Your wish is our command!   THANKS.

So now my alma mater is communicating on Twitter to people who may be more receptive to online communications rather than mail. My school may have been a bit old school, but it’s great to see them embrace Twitter… and they really are rocking it now – lots of tweets and conversations.

Moral of the story is if you know someone who is a bit reluctant to embrace something you think they need to embrace… don’t take no for an answer   – especially if they are important to you. My only regret is not reserving the handle myself and offering it to them in exchange for a case of Yuengling and some Sweet & Sweaty wings from O’Malleys.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Hi El-Silver,

    I will be writing a comprehensive review of TWITTER for domainers in the next week or so (depending on my laziness factor).

    I used Twitter for about six months or more, and obtained over 300 followers, and followed about 200 others.

    Here’s the synopsis: Any Twitter user who wants to follow you that has over 300-500 twitter accts they are following, are not going to see your tweets, or whatever lame name they give them.

    That’s just a short taste of what I’m gonna reveal. The ending will say basically this: If you are famous, and know that your fans are just DYING to read your tweets, then Twitter is a great tool. If you are some lunkhead, like myself, you can post that you’re going to kill your cats and hang them from your front porch lamp, and nobody will notice (Please people, this is an extreme example, I wouldn’t do that, I’m an animal lover, so no emails or comments about this analogy).

    I put up a domain for sale that I know is worth over $1000, for $99, to see if anyone related to the domain industry was watching my posts on Twitter. If they were, they would have crawled over hot coals to get the domain. They didn’t, and I know I understand domain values, so I’m blaming in on the fact that following too many tweets is the downfall of Twitter.

    Okay, I gave you my scoop, don’t steal it from me before I write it. Also, you being more popular than me, Twitter might work well for you because people are LOOKING for your tweets.

    Nobody is really looking for my tweets, and that’s the key. More secrets on how domainers can use Twitter to their advantage on my blog post at

    Maybe I’ll scoop you and you’ll go “dang that redhead viking blowhard!” That would be my dream! 😉

    stay tuned

  2. Twitter isn’t a domain sales platform and using it as such is goofy at best. Maybe twitter can be compared to shouting in a room full of people. Some people you’ll stop and listen to and some you simply won’t even bother. Spamming domains on twitter makes you one of the people that nobody listens to REALLY quickly.

  3. @Bob

    Did you just say that “TWITTER ISN’T A SALES PLATFORM”?

    Really? Twitter isn’t used for marketing people and companies, and keeping their followers up to date on new activities, products and services?

    I don’t “SPAM” people… because I only accept people I think are interested in my business, which is SELLING/BUYING domains. I post what I expect my FOLLOWERS to be interested in… domain names. That means domains for sale, domain tips, etc. Not interested in telling people I harvested 5 nice zucchini and 30 asian pears from my property, and I’m sure they aren’t interested either.

    So, since you’re the expert in Twitter, here’s a question: How much info, and what KIND of info can a domainer provide in a tweet with 140 characters?

    Please get real on this one, Bob. You think I’m an idiot?


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