Go Daddy Reports “Significant Surge” in Whitney Houston Domain Registrations

I was saddened to learn about the death of Whitney Houston. I think her performance of the national anthem before Super Bowl XXV was probably one of the best renditions in recent memory.

Unfortunately, it’s being reported that many people have taken to hand registering Whitney Houston related domain names. Although some might become memorial websites, I would bet many will end up on sites like Ebay where people will try to hawk these worthless domain names.

According to Go Daddy:

Go Daddy has seen a significant surge in domain name registrations containing the words “Whitney Houston.”

Hundreds of related domain names have been registered in fewer than 24 hours since news of her death hit the media.”

The report mentioned that over 325 domain names were registered in the hours since Ms. Houston’s passing, and in the weeks prior, only about a dozen domain names were registered. This type of thing is frustrating to see because people think they can get rich with these names, and not only is that almost unequivocally false, but it also makes domain investors look bad.

So why am I giving attention to this? Well, frankly, I think if people read this and are tempted by the proposition of possibly making money by buying morbid names like this to sell them, I hope they will see that this is foolish and tasteless.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I’m glad you posted this. I was just pondering over the many reasons why the general public often tends to “look down” upon domain investors and/or why we often get a bad reputation. Hopefully over time, and with posts such as this, the mainstream will be able to distinguish the difference between real domain investors and the amateurs who invest in other people’s misfortunes and dare to call themselves professionals in this industry. I think there’s a positive shift in educating the public, but we still have a long way to go.

  2. You’re completely wrong about this. This is no different from owning MorrisonsGrave.com, LeninsTomb.com, or even JesusTomb.com

    It’s just “too soon” for you to form an unbiased, legitimate opinion.

  3. To start with, this type of thing always pisses me off. It gives a bad name to all domain investors.

    However, it is not just domainers involved in this type of disgusting activity.

    I just read this article –

    “Sony hikes Whitney Houston album prices online”

    Major corporations are just as likely to try to profit off an event like this.


  4. I remember when she was booed at the Soul Train music awards in 1989. That was a different audience that didn’t get that she was a bigger selling star and she was on the pop charts a lot. That irritated me a lot weeks after that. I wished that they were more supportive of the fact that she was a huge selling artist even going beyond the R&B and black music markets and breaking boundaries for female artists in music.

  5. I bought a few domains only to carry on her legend, her music, singles, albums, etc. just like elvis, michael jackson, or whatever celebrity, its the fans that make them live on and be remembered. I dont think its should be looked down on when the good people are only just trying to keep their favorite musician living by creating fan pages.

    I guess there are the people that only think about money, and yes, that is a shame, i think the majority are fans just trying to keep her alive.


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