The hashtag “#FlattenTheCurve” has been trending on Twitter of late. The idea behind the “flatten the curve” saying is that by flattening the coronavirus infection curve, essentially delaying some cases, it will go a long way to helping fragile healthcare systems from becoming overwhelmed by new patients who become sick with Coronavirus infections.
Typically when a hashtag is trending, someone scoops up the matching domain name. Sometimes the domain name is put up for sale, and other times the name is somehow monetized. For #FlattenTheCurve, it looks like the matching was just registered, and it looks like it is in the right hands.
Although is registered under privacy at Namecheap, it looks like the website is being operated by Julie McMurry, MPH:
ALL businesses in Italy are SHUT DOWN except pharmacies and grocery stores. USA listen up and do it right now. #CancelEverything #SocialDistancing
Do NOT assume it can't happen here. It is already here.
Learn more at— Julie McMurry, MPH🖌️🔬🦕 🌊 (@figgyjam) March 11, 2020
I have seen several people on Facebook and Twitter mention the hashtag and share the website, so I think it is safe to say it was created by a reliable resource. I am not a scientist nor an expert on the Coronavirus, so obviously I can’t say for sure that the website is accurate. That said, it’s good to see an exact match domain name like this in good hands.
Hopefully we all will come out stronger after this unexpected fiasco. It sure is disrupting all of us…
All we can do is just stay healthy !!
Here’s the neat story behind the domain name, as shared by Sean Markey: