Jay Chapman from Digimedia replied to my tweet about “dress” domain names being registered in response to the debate about whether the viral photo of a dress is black and blue or white and gold. His company owns the Dress.com domain name, and the company is having a little fun with the dress color debate that seems to be showing up everywhere (including a domain name blog!).
If you visit Dress.com (no link because it is a parked domain name), you can see that the theme colors are either black and blue or gold and white. The company is displaying a different color scheme depending on the IP address of the visitor.
This topic has probably meant good news for Digimedia. Dress.com experienced “a 30%+ traffic spike yesterday,” according to Chapman.
Here are the screenshots of the two Dress.com color schemes:
dress.com – taken
dresscolor.com – taken
dresscolordebate.com – taken
thedresscolordebate.com – avaiaible. is it worth a $1 ?
I don’t think so.
You could make some bank today selling that dress Jay.
whats wrong with linking to a parked page? curious.
I suppose I could, but owners generally aren’t permitted to link to a parked page (to my knowledge).