In the past year or so, Ryan Colby sold a number of high value domain names as a domain broker at Sedo, including ($510k), ($500k) ($500k), ($220k) and many others. Colby was also instrumental in landing one of the nicest portfolio exclusive listings I’ve seen, with domain names like,,,, and many others.
A few months ago, I learned that Colby resigned from his post at Sedo and recently learned that he took a position at Domain Holdings, where he is Senior Vice President Of Product Management. Domain Holdings is the rapidly growing company in south Florida founded by Secret Millionaire, John Ferber, and domain industry veteran, Chad Folkening.
Ryan’s primary role with the company is to drive revenues and oversee various product lines within the organization. “Domain Holdings Group provides a true life-cycle management solution for domain owners which includes domain acquisitions, development, monetization and divestment. We are bridging the gap in the marketplace by bringing these four areas together like no other company, ” he explained.
Although Sedo has lost several key brokers in the last several months, I was surprised that Ryan left given the high value exclusive brokerage agreement he had just secured, as well as his success with the company.
I asked him what led him to his decision, and he shared some insight. “Sedo is a first class organization where I had the unique opportunity to learn the fundamentals of high value domain name brokerage,” said Colby. “I felt like it was time in my career to take a pause and re-evaluate new opportunities on a broader scale if they presented themselves.”
One big change the Ryan will surely experience first hand is the warm Florida weather. Ryan told me that “the culture of South Florida is much different than what I’m used to and has been a welcomed change. I’m enjoying the amazing weather and restaurants in downtown Delray Beach.”
Ryan is active on Twitter, and you can follow his feed: @rjcolby. I wish him all the best success in his new position at Domain Holdings.
For those who hold domains with GAKT exact search volume, the shopping modules in are definitely worth trying out. Yahoo/Bing place heavy emphasis on exact keyword matches so even alt tld domains can rank reasonably well with a simple nameserver change and 3-5 minutes of setup per domain.
However, as Domain Holdings brings on brokers from SEDO, one has to imagine they plan to expand beyond domain monetization via affiliate and lead generation templates – giving SEDO reason to watch their back 🙂
Ryan also helped sell at $115,000 and at $60,000.!/RJColby/status/124268159678152705
Congrats to Ryan and Domain Holdings. Good luck, Ryan.