Domain Holdings Brokering

Domain Holdings is currently brokering the domain name, and I assume this opportunity might be of interest to companies in our business. Not only is an excellent short domain name, but it could obviously be used by a domain name company because of the DN abbreviation. The asking price of is $750,000. appears to be owned by Verio. The company’s main offering is web hosting services, although they also sell domain names as well. According to, the domain name was previously used by Verio, although it appears that domain name sales were not the primary objective of the former website (granted this is an old screenshot). The domain name currently forwards to a Domain Holdings inquiry page.

In my opinion, could be used by a domain registrar or reseller to exclusively sell domain names. It could also be used by a company to sell domain names in the aftermarket. One nice thing about this type of domain name is that if the business doesn’t work out, the domain name has significant value and could be re-sold. I like this domain name but I have zero interest in providing products or services to domain investors.

Here’s what Domain Holdings broker Giuseppe Graziano had to say about the domain name in his brokerage email this morning:

We have received an enormous amount of traction for the domain (read: incredible offers) and the final day has come to submit an offer for The deadline is 12 PM EST – if you are interested, simply reply to this email with the amount you would like to offer (hint: it has to be VERY close to asking price) and I will make sure the offer will be presented to the seller on time.

If you’re interested in the name, contact  Giuseppe directly or reach out via the landing page.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Why not $5 million?
    6 figures for these 2 letter names after recent sales seems low.
    7 figures for the name to the right buyer is not a stretch

    • I assume if others felt that way, the name would already be sold.

      I do think the price is fair and would consider making a purchase if I had any desire to get involved in this space. As mentioned, I have no interest in selling products or services to other domain investors, so it wouldn’t make sense to buy this domain name.

  2. A lot of international Hot money chasing assets right now and with interest rates staying low for a while it may only get hotter before it cools off
    If equity markets keep rising more mid to large public companies will have more currency for acquisitions.
    Could there be other buyers in different industries? Current of future public companies who want it?
    If I owned it I would hold out for more
    Will be interesting to see how it plays out

  3. “Could there be other buyers in different industries?”

    That was the first thing I thought, I wonder if there is a major corp. that could use it? (digital, data, diamond, Dutch, Dallas, Detroit, Denver, defense, design) (network, national, news, newsletter, nurse, northwest)
    There are many major companies around the world that we don’t know about.

    But, as Elliot stated, most likely it will be used by someone in the domain category.

    If it sells in the $ mid/high 6 fixtures, the buyer got a diamond at a fair price.

  4. Interesting domain though most players in this space with the resources to acquire it probably already have too much invested in their brand to want to rebrand (i.e. Godaddy, Namejet, SEDO, etc). It is a really nice domain though so best wishes to the seller in finding that unique buyer.

  5. Marriage of two stupid parties. First, the domain owner is broke or dumb to ask just $750,000 for name (talking about end-user sale). Then, the broker is primitive to release a post where they claim are worth about $230k – which is (a) totally BS, (b) about 30% of asking price of they are brokering.

    I hope this will sell to someone smarter. Anyway, this listing cause damage to all other owners, as the real end-user value of is in my opinion in range of $3MM-$8MM.

    • Hello Mike and thank you for your comments.

      I would like to clarify that in my articles, the prices that you read are “floor prices”. A “floor price” is the threshold at which you can instantly liquidate a domain in case you would like to sell it in a short time frame.

      A “floor price” is much different than “value”, which is an arguable concept and might very well be a much higher number. I think it was well stated in the article, but if it did not appear clear to you I apologize.

      Going back to the numbers, the reason why I quoted $230k as floor price, it is because at that moment there were comparable assets for sale at the same price. In my newsletter from today instead I quoted $280k as floor price of Why? Because sold for $287,500 on the 4th of June (not with Domain Holdings, for the record).

      Hope this clarifies, and wishing you a nice evening.

    • Giuseppe, you have quoted $230k, not $280k. Pointing to “floor” pricing is unfair and very misleading technique.

    • I received the email from Giuseppe who is also a broker at Domain Holdings. I asked Alan Dunn (SVP at DH) if I could publish the article, in case it was a private listing not meant for publication.

    • Giuseppe Graziano is an author of the article claiming to be valued at $230k, so they probably replaced him for this listing with someone else not involved in that ash.

    • Just because you can find one name to be sold for low, it does not mean that all other names are worth that amount. He is a rat that cares just about his commission and because cheap stuff sells better and easier, he is claiming names are worth just fraction of theirs real value. Jerk. Shame on him. Period.

      • I found several marketed in the last couple of years in the $250-500k range, but I don’t know if they sold nor do I know if they sold at ask or for less. Out of respect for owners of the domain names, I am not going to publish asking prices because some may have been private listings and there is no sense in doing that.

        IMO, brokers and sellers come to an agreement on where they want to price their names. there are many mitigating factors involved with pricing domain names, and some of those are specific to the buyer.

    • Hi again Mike. The reason why Michael is on the lander, is because each client at Domain Holdings is followed by a single account manager.

      Michael represents the seller of, therefore all email inquiries for the name go directly to him. Nonetheless, since we work as a team, we all work to find buyers for our clients, regardless of who is the account manager. This is why I listed in the newsletter that Elliot received. Hope this answer your question.

      PS Elliot, thanks a lot for alerting me to reply to Mike 🙂

    • Giuseppe, now explain why you block 99% of all comments posted for your blog. If you don’t want people comment your post, disable comments. Otherwise it is nothing else just silly business. Have a good one.

    • Easy to click the send email button on my iPhone to let Giuseppe know there are comments for him but not as easy to do research.

      Here’s one very quickly – – $100k

      This is low on my list of priorities. #1 is hanging out with 2 year old before she goes to bed. Will try to find more examples later. Several names under $500k have been marketed, but sales (or not) weren’t reported publicly, and I am not going to publish private offerings that were made to me because that’s not nice.

    • Hi Mike, I am happy to publish any comment that stimulates discussion on our blog. I do respect a lot “market intelligence” and if anybody believes that are worth $3-8M, and provides solid arguments for his/her opinion by using respectful language, I do not see why the comments should not be published.

      I actually linked the articles of Shane Cultra and John Poole in my newsletter who politely disagree with my article and I loved the arguments that they brought.

      In the future if you ever have issues publishing a comment that respects the criteria I mentioned above, just shoot me an email (you can find it on and I will be happy to look into it for you.

  6. Someone should buy this name and hire one of the agents from Million Dollar Listings NY on Bravo TV. That Fredrik Eklund has a huge international following of real estate buyers. There has to be other top agents in real estate who could do the same. A lot of the record prices in real estate in NY are being driven by the Chinese.

  7. Would love to have it but DN.BIZ will just have to for now! $750k seems cheap for a great domain like that but there are surely other things I should spend $750k on first lol.


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