If you attended the ICANN Dublin meeting or if you have been following along with the reports from the meeting, chances are good that you know about Dublin.Pub. If you have not heard about Dublin.Pub, go have a look. The website was created by Rightside in conjunction with Basekit and Tapastreet.
I wanted to learn more about the Dublin.Pub website, the partnerships with local pubs on related micro sites, and the objectives of launching Dublin.Pub. I reached out to Bill Glenn, Vice President of Marketing for Rightside, and he shared some information about this website and its purpose:
“The idea for Dublin.Pub was to connect a distributed ICANN community and bring them together in Dublin. It was also to show the beverage industry (and in this case specifically the local pubs in Dublin) the potential to make the social experience of their customers, much more accessible. Rightside partnered with Basekit and Tapastreet to help develop the website and incorporate social media and user generated content.”
Rightside’s Registry operations is based out of Dublin. Part of the Dublin-based team worked with local pubs to sign them up for the Dublin.Pub website and ecosystem. Each pub received its own unique .Pub domain name and microsite at no charge. The micro sites were set up to share photos, location information, and a bit of other basic information (have a look at Toners.Pub for an example).
Rightside promoted the