Everyone knows that privacy is important. Maintaining privacy in this day and age is nearly impossible, though. Privacy breaches have become a common occurrence at companies of all sizes over the last several years, including a major iCloud incident at Apple. In addition to the accidental privacy breaches, large companies seem eager to monetize the private details of its customers – and pretty much everyone it can!
That said, I thought it was interesting when I saw a domain name that Apple just hand registered yesterday – PrivacyIsImportant.com. From what I can see using the Whois History tool at DomainTools, this appears to be the first time this domain name has ever been registered. It’s a bit surprising that a domain name like PrivacyIsImportant.com has never been registered by anyone before.
PrivacyIsImportant.com does not yet resolve to a website or any type of landing page. My guess is that Apple will use “privacy is important” as some sort of tag line and the domain name will forward to the relevant page within Apple’s website. I don’t recall seeing the company use any unbranded domain names before on a standalone basis, beyond iCloud.com.
I will keep an eye on PrivacyIsImportant.com to see how Apple uses this domain name.
they could have bought epersonalprivacy.com / its available 😉
Too little too late, Apple (among other companies). PR cleaning up.
It’s not true, however. It can’t be true. If privacy were important, there would be an option for whois privacy with .US domains.
“privacy is important” the best OXYMORON statement of the century.
Your phone is gathering all kind of info about you and even can hear what you are yakking.
Your phone # is the only identification that goes with you , thanks to 2FA.
My bank has this GEO location authentication and it is the best feature to authenticate your credit card transactions
Try changing your phone # and you will see the serious consequences.
To travel now, most airlines are requiring facial recognization.
You go to China and Russia, as soon as you turn on your laptop and your phone, your devices are already being hacked and you don’t know about it.
“privacy is important” that the most OXYMORON statement of the century
Your phone is spying on you
Before you fly ,you need facial recognization to get on the plane now.
When you are in China/Russia, as soon as you turn on your phone,PC or any devices, you are already being hacked.
Welcome to the world of NO PRIVACY!!
The more someone knows about us, the more power they can have over us.
Privacy Is Very Very Important