For the last few days, I’ve seen lots of references online to a game called 2048. I probably wasted about half of my day playing it today, and I think I got Andrew Rosener hooked as well. I thought it would be fun to compare scores to see how you did.
As you can see below, my high score for 2048 is 20624, and I won because I received a 2048 tile. I think I am going to quit on this high note for the evening! Have you played 2048 yet? What is your high score? You’re welcome to share a screenshot of your 2048 high score in the comment section.
If you haven’t played or seen 2048 yet, its a bit difficult to explain, but it’s very easy to catch on and play. Check it out when you have time – but be warned, it’s highly addictive! I wouldn’t be surprised if this game is the next big thing. Post your 2048 high score as well as the highest tile you received below. Good luck to those who are playing 2048!
At first I thought, not another Sudoku! But the game is different, easy to get into, and addictive. At 2811 after 5 tries 😀
Mines 107740 no joke in 2 tries… Though I was playing 2048+ BC I had already beat 2048 in my first try.
My Score is 4.600.000 within an 262144 tile ^^ Evidence including, game on
My high is 6.455555555555557e+51 and i got a picture of it
I got a score of 10416 and I am a kid is this high?
And also i just got infinity and i have a pic
My high score is 6928, I downloaded it this morning for my flight to Los Angeles.
mine is 566128
5668 after three attempts. Thanks for getting Andrew addicted so he’ll have less time for hunting domains 🙂
Cool game.
My score is —> 7528
7716 is my new high score. I’m now officially hooked 🙂
Only gonna play that once. That took a while!
Can’t attach my screenshot but got 7820 first time out. I was close to really getting up there with a 512, 256 and two 128’s on the board. Gotta think some moves ahead with this one!
My wife is all over this. I do know she’s had some 1024s.
Got—-> 11,388
Time to call it quits for me.
Damned game, Elliot ! First try 5436, second try 7124. No more for now !
>> I probably wasted about half
>> of my day playing it today
Based on that sentence… I have too much domaining to do to get into playing this game. Thanks for the warning. Domaining is addictive enough. Maybe not as quickly gratifying as a quick game, but in the long run it is a much more valuable use of my time.
High Score is: 15476
The game is crazy addictive and can start screwing with your eyes if you are moving tiles around fast, to start off now I got the arrow keys flying then once get to 1 256 tile go move by move. My high 11,328 was playing it before I read this post.
My high score is 48132; it doesn’t stop at 2048, I had a 4096 tile on my board
There is a 8192 tile also, my highest is 80604 and my husbands highest is 112000 something, honestly
High is now 7748
New high of 11568
Damn You Elliot!!! Damn you straight to hell.
My business will fail. I will soon be divorced and my child will starve. All because you introduced me to the 2048 tile game!
After playing for a few hours, I’m able to get 30k+ quite consistently. I believe my highest score so far is 51,696, with the highest tile being 4096. I don’t play it much now because a single game takes too long. –Paul Buonopane, NamePros Lead Developer
Here’s a screenshot:
I didn’t see an obvious way to remove the undo feature in this app, so I used the two available undos to repeat two moves very early in the game.
I made a recording of a “quick” game: My high score on this device is pretty low, since I’ve only played on this laptop for an hour or two. I managed to hit 33,072 in the video even though I made quite a few mistakes (I started at 1 AM). I won the game around 20k. Had I kept going, it would’ve gotten impossibly hard around 50k.
Wow, that is incredible. Very impressive to watch.
You’re a beast, Paul.
Paul I don’t have an undo button on mine, is that the original 2048 because the creator said there are plenty of knock offs.
The screenshot is from an Android app–it’s not the original, obviously, but it scores the same way. I used the undos around the 128 tile instead of starting over to get an optimal configuration, which is what I normally do on the web version. It takes a few tries sometimes to get the right pattern going.
The video is from the original web version, obviously.
Ok thanks Paul, the video was cool.
Mine is 22,892 and I got a 2048 tile!!!!!
My high score is 36,344. My version doe snot have any undo’s as I have read in previous notes.
New high – 53,412. Does anyone know the actual limit?
I just got to 50k. Downloaded it yesterday
Nice! Looks like I have some competition. 😉
After getting a score of 5000 a few times i sat down and did the math for the minimun score you need to get the 2048-tile. This worked out to some 20,000.
Since then I have been able to exceed it quite consistently, occasionally by far: current high score is 77,920
I use the Dropbox version because it does a good job of saving high scores 🙂
132k going for the 16384 tile
Over 300,000 by getting the 16,384 tile and a 8,192 tile. I was a little short of flipping it into a 33,768. It took 4 hours to get there. I’m done!
Really 300,000 at the 16384 level FANTASTIC, I thought my 61766 was looking good, must focus better.
My high is 27,894
111,040 8192 tile. Windows version.
My high score is 72,432. The game is so addicting I love relaxing after a long day to some 2048 xD
Finally got a 2048 tile win!
Final score: 25,652
i am still playing (3 days 1 game with lots of breaks my score atm is 966,188
highest tile 65,536 i wonder what the highest score ever is xD
My Highscore is 1.802.740 and i´m not reddy. I have All numbers onetime begin from 8, number 4 twotime. The numbers are 4,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768 and 65536. I can all this get right than I have 131072
131072 tile. 2275456 points.
2193964 wifh a tile of 131072
2,021,720 with the 131072 tile, almost empty board, have screenshot, no place to put it.
I just got to 611,325!!! Officially addicted
mine 30500
after estimated 40 attempts
30624 is my highscore made 2048 tile.
just scored 1,01,176… with max tile of 8196…
Haven’t finish my game yet but my score so far is 3.041.968 with max tile of 131072 🙂 love the game
An 8192 with a 4096 etc – score 175960.
Can see I’m gonna have to do a lot better!
I got 22800. You Nerds!!
On this website
I have gotten 118,264 . I made one 8192 plus 2048 next to it . 😀
Been playing for a while and I’m having an amazing game. Just got to the 8192 tile and my current score is 118,000 and I’m still playing
munching on – have 131072 tile + 65536 tile + others and still going, score at 3090052….
76876 is my high score!!!
34716 my score
3,868,076 😉
Correct me if I am wrong. If your score is over 150,000 than you must have unlimited undo’s. Not much of a game if you can undo every time you don’t get the right # tile in the spot you want it. My high score with 5 undo’s is 125,000
NO UNDOS score 18676
1024 highest tile. Download ed 36hrs ago.
my highest score in 2048 plus is 50,00,000 anyone beat my score
I got 47,000,000 and I have a 2,000,000 tile and I’m still playing
my high score is 4294971672.
Hi score to date… 2,370,256 and still playing…
My high is 49096, with a 4096 tile. Kind of cool since it shares a 4096 in the score; if you remove the first 9.
my high score : 3,579,200
MY high score :32464
I almost had 4096
my high score 113469
with 8192 tile
My high score is 128k . Wasn’t aware that there was a way to “undo” moves. That takes the fun out of it… This game is Soooo addictive ? how do I add a screen shot??
I am currently at 351,116. Highest tile is 16384
My highscore is 10,224 with a 1024 and 128 tile.
My highest score for 2048 is 70792 with 4096,2048 & 1024 along with other small valued tiles…….
Dont know how to give the screen shot of it.
i just past the 3 million point. yeeh i’m very happy right now
My best score is 61.072.
Try to reach 2048 tile without reaching 20.000 points (under score 20.000)! Is it possible?
Bye: star
Just got 8192 and broke 110,000 points. I can die happy finally.
My current score is 508708, and I have a beautiful 32768 block sitting waiting to be paired. What has my life become?
I just finish 2048 plus FEB 08, 2015 at 1030 a.m. At over 10,000.000 (ten million) a a tile of 524288. I would like to know what the high score for 2048 plus. Thanks
Tile 33,554,432
score 1,097,390,292
See my best score at instagram nuno alemao
Well over 2 million now with a 131 000 tile.
I am addicted… Score is 13,913,112.
High tile is 524,288. Game is set so I can only undo 1 move. I usually only have to undo when the granddaughter bumps it, or I fall asleep playing.
this game rules… score is 760.
Score 100.000.000
One undo.
4196, 1024 on board. Still playing.
4895673 ^^
1000000 points yayy
79.456 points, no undos.
My high score is 53664 with a 4096 tile and well on the way to 8192.
My score is 27073860. I have been playing since early last spring. Don’t play so much these days. I’m on the 8×8 screen, I have it set to undo just one move.
My high tile is 1048576
Wasted hours! Sooo addicting. Currently on 6×6 tiles. Have 65536 tile and going. I don’t have an undo? Would be handy
I’m in 8×8 tiles , my score 1,097,390,292
My score at 5*5 rite now is 1101396, not yet have over
In a 4*4 ,my high score is 155k..
Trying for 16k tile
My present highscore is 254696 with a tile of 16384.
what is the highest score achieved so far?
My score is 3884448, i am reach the limit of this game .love that gameQuestns of d day:
High score 1591404 on 4×4 4096 game.
My score ..1036564
to be continue after this score
Mines is 80620
11,3076 with 8192 tile
113,076 with 8192 tile
113,076 with 8192 tile
My highest score was 1955664
Screenshot proof:
10176948 is my high score at this point but I am still playing so it will be even higher tomorrow.
225.5million no undo’s 5 by 5 tiles
My highest score is 16798824
28719527364 I am a god
17744 in one try trick is to go down right down right down right over and over
I have scored hardly 131072 tile
my high score is 1632
185616 for me
my highscores 104452, reaching the8192 tile, ive been playing for 5 days