World Domain Day (WDD) is a domain investing event that will be held in India in one month from yesterday. According to its website, “Indian Domain Owners Association, (IDOA), a newly-formed consortium of domain owners, web entrepreneurs and service providers in India, is organizing WDD for the first time in India on 24th August 2014 at Hyderabad.”
Registration for this one day event is now open, and there are a variety of ticketing options and prices to attend.
One of the organizers sent me links to the series of “teaser” videos announcing and advertising the event, and I shared them with you below. I will not be able to attend the event, although I hope to travel to India for business sometime in the near future. Hopefully this and the DomainX event (scheduled to be held in India in September) will be successful.
World Domain Day teaser videos:
Thumbs up for teaser nr 4! 😀