has sold for $100,000, I learned late last week. The domain name was sold by NetIncome Ventures, the domain investment firm operated by industry veteran Garry Chernoff. Uniregistry broker Tom Aughton helped close the all-cash deal.
Because of GDPR, I am unable to see who acquired the domain name. Whois records show the new registrant appears to be based in Zurich, Switzerland. The name servers are currently set to default Uniregistry name servers, so more information about the buyer is not known. The landing page has a “coming soon” message within the top header.
Unfortunately, because Uniregistry was acquired by GoDaddy, the $100,000 sale of will most likely not be reported publicly or confirmed by the brokerage publicly. However, because the domain name was sold by Garry Chernoff, I am sure Ron Jackson will be able to verify and independently confirm the sale of the domain name.
Once Ron Jackson adds it to the DNJournal public domain name sale chart for 2020, it will rank as one of the 15 largest domain name sales of the year to date. It will tie the $100,000 sales of and I also added this sale to the list of recent one word .com domain name sales.
From what I can tell using DomainTools, Garry’s company has owned since 2006. I think it’s a really solid sale considering most of the higher end winemakers are completely focused on their own brand names. I am really curious to see how this domain name will be used.
well well, looks like my just went up in value a lil bit! Sweet.
Are you for real?!
Why would you even pay to renew that name?
What does WineMaker has to do with tattoo?
His Sarchasm was too much for you I see. is available for registration though.
well well, looks like domains just went up in value a lil bit! Sweet.
Sweet!! love sweet wine. I am growing grapes in my garden
What do you think Ray?
I asked Joe Styler and Paul Nicks to re-consider returning the Uni sales reports’ and got a;
“We are looking into it.” from Joe Styler.
Could be nothing, Elliot… But it offers hope;
Thanks Joe, for your reply.
Yeah, me too, in 2018:
I have also asked many people, many times in private discussions.