If the idea of Internet governance is appealing to you, a recent announcement by ICANN might pique your interest. A couple of weeks ago, a blog post on ICANN’s website announced that “ICANN’s Nominating Committee (NomCom) invites Statements of Interest and candidate recommendations from the Internet community for key leadership positions to fulfill ICANN’s technical and policy coordination role.”
Positions are open on the following boards and committees: ICANN Board, the Councils of GNSO and ccNSO, and the ALAC. If you know what these abbreviations stand for, you are ahead of the game. If you don’t, you can visit the link in the above paragraph to learn more about them and what they do.
People are often critical of ICANN, and this is an opportunity to get involved and become active in the greater Internet community. Personally, I have no interest in getting involved in ICANN, although I think it’s a wise idea for domain investors to at least stay apprised of current ICANN issues.
Kevin Murphy does a pretty solid job of covering ICANN issues on DomainIncite.com, and George Kirikos watches ICANN very closely and reports his opinion on Twitter.