Inspired by the “Domain Sherpa Challenge” that Mike Cyger gave to Mark, I thought it would be fun to hold a hand registration contest on my blog, and I am seeking 4 additional domain investors who are interested in participating in the contest.
Here’s how the contest will work:
Each participant, myself included, will have one week to hand register 10 domain names. The domain names can be any TLD, but they must be newly registered within the stated period of time given to each participant at the beginning of the contest. The domain names must all be registered under privacy so that nobody can tell who registered what name, and participants are not allowed to share which list they registered (on the “honor system”). Any domain registrar can be used, and participants will be required to purchase the domain names and privacy on their own.
Shortly after the contest ends, I will post the 5 unidentified lists on, and readers will vote for the list they think is best / most valuable. The list that gets the most votes will be deemed the winner, and the winning participant will win a congratulatory virtual “pat on the back.” I want to participate, so there will be no prize of monetary value because that wouldn’t be fair.
If you are interested in participating in the contest and are willing to spend the hand registration fee + privacy fee, let me know. I will pick 4 participants at some point in the next few days (assuming more than 4 people want to participate), and I will contact those people to discuss the contest further.
Feel free to ask questions.
I hand reg everyday anyways so why not. I’m in, ES.
I would like to play too…
i wanna play !
A pending delete backorder would look just like a hand reg.
Not that anyone in this business would cheat.
That is a good point, and it is something that somebody else mentioned to me in private. Since there is nothing really on the line though, I don’t believe anyone would essentially cheat by using a pending delete domain name in their list. If they would do that and get caught, it would be pretty embarrassing for them with very little to gain.
you should require all domains to be registered at the same registrar that would make it a little harder since drop houses put names in different accounts.
I don’t want to do that in case people use discount codes and coupons to save money and can’t use the same code at one registrar. I don’t really know if there are limits, but as long as they are new hand registrations, it should be fine.
I would like to participate.
Please put my name on the list. Thank you Elliot.
Sherpa’s thunder stolen 🙂 I believe a similar contest between the Sherpas is coming soon
This is interesting, will follow this competition for sure!
Why just 5. Can’t we all play??
Sorry, I don’t want to take the time to look through more than 4 other people’s lists to ensure all names are hand registered, and I don’t think people want to look through hundreds of names before voting.
Right then. I’m starting my own contest. All welcome, who in??!!
Just kidding. But great idea Elliot 🙂
the 10 handregs with the most traffic that would be fun
Would be interesting but too easy to manipulate.
You know I am good at this game.
I’m game! My two last sales were handregs.
I’d like to participate! How will you choose the participants?
I will use the number generator to draw the 4 participants… probably tomorrow afternoon.
I would like to participate.Thanks
Throw me in the randomizer too please!
I’ll play if smiles upon me.
Count me in ! Just for interest, one of my names was mentioned by Rick in the latest video as having good potential for the future – I hand regged it a few days ago for $3 (used a coupon code) from GD – so I was pleased to see that it wasn’t dismissed as pigeondoodoo!
Count me in!
Why don’t you accept 5 domains from 10 people so more can play? Or 3 or 4 from 15 or 2 or 3 from 20 etc…In the end you are still doing research on the same amount of names and I think you will have a much better chance at getting great names listed.
Maybe next time I will change the rules, but they’ve been set.
Throw my name into the randomizer as well please.
I’m interested. Assuming it is a lottery, please put my name as well. 🙂
I’m going to choose the participants for the hand registration contest at some point today when I get a few free minutes. I will email those who are selected and share the participant list here.
Great idea Elliot.
Please include me in the randomizer!
I am in too Elliott.
I’ll give it a go, Elliot, if you’ll have me 🙂
Based on your feedback, I chose 9 participants (10 including me). They are listed here along with the rules:
I am a co-owner of New Trends Domains: this is the perfect challenge for me!
Participants have already been chosen – sorry. Perhaps the next time (if there is a next time).
Great idea! You should hold a contest like this regularly.
If you put your mind to it there are tons of great hand reg’s out there and lots that were registered at one time but dropped (and shouldn’t have).
Some recent hand reg’s of mine (that won’t be eligible for the contest):
and tons of others.
LMAO Hit me up Mountain Dew. A meme advertising gold mine awaits.