NIC.SEXY just got its Uniregistry video… see it here,
— Bret Fausett (@bretfausett) December 12, 2013
According to a tweet from Bret Fausett, Uniregistry  posted a video on the website, and Frank Schilling explains what sexy means to him and why someone might choose to buy a .Sexy domain name. In Frank’s words, it is  “the internet equivalent of letting your hair down.”
Have a look for yourself and let me know if you think .Sexy is going to be one of the gTLD winners. In my opinion, the answer is yes. They are going to sell a lot of .Sexy domain names as novelties. I don’t think I’d buy one, but there will be plenty of people who will. 😀
You can also read the entire transcript here:
dotTel was sexy too
I am very surprised Frank doesn’t have the .com of all of the new gtld’s he is applying for. is about to get possibly 60+% of his traffic.
Another option is for Fred, Nancy etc. could always pick up the .com for $10 as well. Most are probably still available. or
All the best for new gtld speculators but it will be a big mountain to climb.
It’s a good idea and I can see where FS is coming from but people already have FB pages and I don’t see them going out of their way to spend to register a .sexy just to set up a personal site or redirect it to FB…
I see .sexy about the same as being .pompous
I kind of see where Frank is coming from with this. But if anyone I know tells me their email or website is at .sexy it will be a joke. I will laugh in their face. I think .IsNotSexy is a better extension for practical / gag type of fun.
or .ugly perhaps 🙂
Next round maybe.
iAmTooSexyFor.Sexy – Frank needs to get Right Said Fred to be his spokesperson.
Reminds me of .NAME
Did anyone here bother to register theirs?