It’s not only Valentine’s Day today, but we also celebrated Oliver’s first birthday with friends and family this morning. Next up for the day is Disney on Ice in Boston. Hope you have a nice Valentine’s Day on this holiday weekend (here in the US).
Here are some thoughts and updates. I welcome you to share yours in the comment section:
Thanks to everyone who has donated to my 2016 Pan-Mass Challenge fundraiser! I am raising $10,000+ this year for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and I sincerely appreciate the support of readers and friends.
Amazon announced Lumberyard, a new “video game engine,” but they did not seem to acquire the matching domain name. is owned by, and I would imagine their pricing is very high. I noticed that Amazon is buying other Lumberyard domain names (like Lumberyard.Club,,, and others). I wonder if the price has gone up since the news was announced, especially if traffic (and revenue) jumped on as a result of the news.
During the last couple of weeks, I have not really been buying many domain names. I have had a few decent sales, but I am reluctant to buy right now until I find out my total tax burden for last year. I am buying opportunistically but not sending as many acquisition emails as usual for a week or two.
I am always buying very good .com keyword domain names. I love names like,,…etc. If you have great keyword .com domain names, want to raise capital, and are willing to sell for a fair wholesale price, send me the names. I am only buying good .com domain names. If you need to tell me what the word means, I have no interest in discussing.
When I am doing a deal with someone I don’t know, I like to put a limit on the time it takes for the buyer to transfer the domain name or submit payment, and I have the option to cancel the deal if it goes beyond that time. I don’t want someone to shop around a deal while it is in escrow, nor do I want them to take their time with the transfer. Having a time limit ensures the deal gets done quickly or I can cancel without penalty.
Ali Zandi just started blogging recently, and it’s a blog you should consider adding to your domain industry reading list. You can find his blog at
Happy Birthday to Oliver, that’s a very special birthday being his very first one.
Hope he enjoyed his big day and had fun at Disney on Ice with family and friends.
I’ll throw my thoughts into the ring since I’m up and saw this headline.
-Congratulations on the birthday of course.
-Couldn’t help immediately noticing what a fabulous .gold domain “Valentines Day” would make, as in “ValentinesDay.Gold.” If the pricing wasn’t so high, i suspect that one would be regged by now, but is available.
-Speaking of Disney – they just had their biggest earnings quarter in history. Although the issue with ESPN was already long well known and talked about, right around the time of the new Star Wars release, also one of the biggest earnings movies in history, a small number of “analysts” began bashing Disney relentlessly, almost like synchronized swimmers. Consequently, despite their biggest quarter in history, which normally sends a stock higher, and despite the blockbuster success of the new movie, the price of Disney shares was sent plummeting. My thought for the day is – looks, smells, and feels a whole lot like manipulation, and sadly enough it was apparently enough to sway and influence a fearful and irrational market.
-Regarding the time limit on domain deals – that’s another case of BusinessAdvice.Gold here. I just lost a $15k deal because I suspect what may have been going on is that the buyer was trying to “front run” on me, as in lock up someone for more than $15k before following through with me. We hadn’t even gone into escrow yet, though, but I also had another close call before with a $10k sale. So the time limit thing can be important with someone you don’t know – because the person on the other end may be “front running.” Next time, I’m imposing a limit too (I did give an ultimatum with the previous close call, though, and even canceled escrow myself before they came back and did what they were supposed to.)
HBLL&P to Oliver. guess his second name is… Valentine, right Elliot?
“Having a time limit ensures the deal gets done quickly or I can cancel without penalty.” – True, very true, in this industry.
Here is one word domain name that Mr Ali Zandi said you are searching.
It is 5 years aged:
Thank you.
Best regards.
Haroon Basha
Sorry, I have no idea what “scientry” even means.