Thies Lindenthal Presenting Domain Research at Prestigious ASSA Meeting

Sedo’s Thies Lindenthal, creator of the IDNX, will be presenting his research on domain names at the prestigious ASSA annual meeting in San Diego. Presentation topics cover pretty much everything related to economics.

ASSA stands for Allied Social Science Association, and it is run by the largest economics societies in the country. It is more of an academic conference as opposed to a business conference. The conference is being held this week at the  Marriott Marquis & Marina in San Diego, California.

The selection process for the presentation slots is competitive, and it’s a great honor for Lindenthal. His primary focus  will be to raise interest in domain names  and to discuss with the real estate crowd how far the “domain names to land” analogy really holds true.

Lindenthal will be presenting his research on Friday morning at 10:15am.

Perhaps I will be able to distribute a copy of the presentation notes after it is completed.


Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Looks like a bit of a different topic on their website :

    Jan 04, 2013 10:15 am
    American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
    Advances in House Price Modeling (R1) (Panel Discussion)
    Panel Moderator: DANIEL MCMILLEN (University of Illinois)
    CHARLES LEUNG (City University of Hong Kong)
    STEVEN KOU (National University of Singapore)
    ANTHONY YEZER (George Washington University)
    LARRY BROWN (University of Pennsylvania)
    ALEX LEVIN (Andrew Davidson & Co., Inc.)
    THIES LINDENTHAL (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

  2. The thing is he’s saying terms like Buy Domain Names are showing a downward trend in Google Trends.

    The thing is those graphs are not indicative of a downward trend necessarily. They are compared relative to the percentages of other searches on Google.

    So, just because it shows it going down does not mean that. Searches may be going up, in fact.

    I’m just wondering if he took that into consideration.


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