I’ve wondered what would happen if you list a domain name for sale in a live auction (such as Moniker’s Live TRAFFIC Auction), and then you sell it elsewhere without the assistance of the auction house. For curiosity’s sake, it didn’t matter how the sale occurred or whether the domain name was actually included in the auction. I always wondered what the auction house would do if they found out the domain name sold elsewhere.
In reading a thread on DN Forum, it seems to have happened to someone, and Moniker sent the domain owner a letter asking for their 15% commission payment. Apparently, the domain owner had sold the name using Sedo, but when he the buyer hadn’t paid after four weeks, the domain owner signed an agreement to sell the domain name using Moniker. Almost immediately after signing the agreement with Moniker, the sale through Sedo was unexpectedly completed.
I am not a lawyer, so I am not going to give any kind of opinion, but it will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I was reading a thread at NP that said moniker wants its percent for 2 years after the signed contract…if true that’s a deal breaker
Moniker had better be VERY careful how they handle this one. It is being watched closely by their seller demographic. If Moniker goes for the jugular it will probably turn into a PR disater for them as sellers finally realize the full implications of Moniker’s outrageous contracts. With the steady increase in alternative selling platforms, a seller boycott could wreck Moniker’s brand for a long time.
How come this happened without the sellers consent?
Some thing wrong here!