Rapper and mogul Snoop Dogg is a well known smoking connoisseur. In a video currently playing on TMZ and embedded above, Snoop Dogg announces his involvement with a new brand of cigar called Executive Branch.
If you want to learn more about Executive Branch, you can visit the company’s Facebook page, its Twitter account, or its website, which can be found at ExecutiveBranchCigars.com. Unfortunately, the company does not own ExecutiveBranch.com, because it’s a domain name owned by Internet mogul, Mike Berkens and his Worldwide Media, Inc. company.
ExecutiveBranch.com is a domain name that was registered all the way back in 1997. Mike has been known to sell domain names that aren’t strategic to his company, so perhaps Snoop Dogg should give him a call.
Could be a big payday in his future, this is the beauty of domain investing.
More importantly, they need to add some content and SEO to their existing site, ExecutiveBranchCigars.com. The Facebook page comes up before the site in search results, and they’re using any keywords in the page title.
*not* using any keywords 🙂
As long time owner of multiple Cuban cigar doman names I feel confident in saying that interest for domain names in the cigar retail community over the years is lower than low.
As parking revenues continue to disappear education of the end user community and development is our best perhaps only hopes sans flipping to newbies unless you believe in the scharade that is GTLD.
Don’t believe me when it comes to GTLD? Put yourself in my shoes when I tried this eve to find a limo to the airport here in WPB to attend Domainfest.
The site and service that I was looking for and actually used was limo related .cctkd . Had I not googled the Delray beach domainer cruise I never would have remembered the correct dot extension and they would have lost my business.
.com is king period IMO and will remain so force foreseeable future.
My.02 FWIW
Sorry about the typos DAMN IPad. Not all tech gadgets workcout 100 % for the better. I Keep hitting letters instead of the space bar. Ugggghhh! Appreciate if you would edit my previous post.
Good chance to get a lifetime supply of cigars for a domain name!
I getting moderate interest in LuxuriousCigars.com