Sedo: .XXX Parking & Sales Permitted

For domain investors who have bought .XXX domain names, the next logical step after securing a domain name is to park it and/or list it for sale.

I just received an email from Sedo in response to a question I posed, and I was informed that “clients can park and sell their new .XXX domains at Sedo,” beginning later on today. This is good news for those who wish to monetize their investment(s) without having to get more involved in the adult industry.

Please note that the back-end Sedo update is still in progress, and the TLD will be listed in the search TLD filter once the update is complete this afternoon. Everything should be set by later this afternoon or possibly tomorrow.

Feel free to post your .XXX domain acquisitions if you’d like.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Great job Elliot. They must have had a ton of those questions, including one from me. Their response yesterday was “we are looking into the possibility”. Great to see how quickly they acted on it.

  2. “This is good news for those who wish to monetize their investment(s) without having to get more involved in the adult industry.”

    If you are making money off .xxx sites (that is, non-defensive uses), then you ARE involved in .xxx, whether you are developing or parking a domain.

    Don’t kid yourselves; if you have .xxx domains in your portfolio, just be aware that it will probably some day come back to haunt you, either in a job search or explaining to a curious child as to why Dad or Mom owns a porn site.


  3. Not being allowed to transfer a domain to a new owner within 30-60 days of registration is fairly standard for a lot of tlds. We’ll likely have to wait 60 days to see if there is any aftermarket for .xxx. The auctions in January should also be a good gauge of .xxx interest.

    Is anyone getting any type in traffic on their .xxx names?

  4. For a poet Ms. Domainer doesn’t have that great of a reading comprehension.

    Nobody’s arguing whether or not you’re already involved in the adult industry if you just park or sell a domain. But you will be “more” involved if you put up a site. Hence the reason “more” is in the sentence…

  5. We wanted to clarify the updates to Sedo’s Domain Marketplace with regards to .xxx domain names. Open registration for .xxx domains began earlier this week, and customers can now list .xxx domain names for sale in their Sedo accounts. The .xxx extension is subject to Sedo’s standard Category I minimum commissions (50 EUR/USD, or 35 GBP depending on the currency in which the sale was negotiated).

    Customers interested in placing content on their .xxx domains, including parking them, may want to review the ICM Registry content requirements (


  6. If the internet gets more regulated then .XXX might be a golden move.

    But if that is going to happen is unknown.
    Long term investment my eyes.

    For the record i didn’t get any .XXX domains.

  7. ‘domain’ (that name must have taken you AGES to come up with) – your ugly and violent comment towards Ms Domainer is appalling.

    You should be ashamed of yourself. (But of course you aren’t.)

    And you should be banned from this and any other forum.

    Cowards like you will never contribute anything of value to this business, or to the planet.

  8. “Cowards like you”

    @ AustraliaHouses

    Calling someone a coward for being anonymous is a bit hypocritical from someone also using a pseudonym, no?

    I think “domain”‘s comment was c/rude, but not violent in any way.

  9. The shit she says against porn and adult is all bs. Its her right. She talks to much. So I have a right as well

    Rude crude whatever you call it. I don’t care. Tired of her silly views.

  10. Ms. Domainer has no problem using the XXX topic mentioned here to help promote her website (via the link name). If she was that strong about it, she’d want nothing in her portfolio to be connected to the topic of .XXX domain names – not even a link to her website

  11. @ Lois

    I thought your post was sarcastic, but I checked the whois and it looks like that domain is actually registered.


    Things like that give a black eye to the domain world.
    I hope you get sued.


  12. Dealing in TM domains in bad enough in regular gTLD, the nature of this extension makes it much worse.

    I can’t believe how many awful names I have seen registered for almost $100 each on the various blogs, forums, etc.

    Every new extension seems to bring out the new (newb) money.


  13. @ Brad.. You hope I get sued?! lol. There are many offers I can get from reality kings, adam &eve, evil angel and so much more. Toys r us can buy it if they want.

  14. @ Lois

    You really think you are going to do well dealing in TM infringing terms? You have a lot to learn.

    That type of behavior is wrong, and why many companies are against .XXX to start with.


  15. *

    @domain/anonymous (which says a lot about you),

    How do know that I don’t already own a vibrator?

    I’m not anti-sex, just anti-porn–and there is a difference between the two.

    If you own a .xxx (other than for defensive purposes), you are deeply involved in porn, whether you are churning out content or parking the domain, which leads to websites that churn out content. Good news, though: Google is likely to frown on .xxx parking pages.

    While domain/anonymous revealed himself as a crude and ridiculous person, I would not want to see his comment deleted–I’m a big girl and can take it, especially from an anonymous numpty. Censorship is uglier than any crude comment.

    Now that .xxx has been approved, I would not like to see it censored (although I would like the right to censor it from my own computer).

    I think the real fallout will be personal and result in ruined reputations and more scrutiny by governments. Even with proxy domain registrations, .xxx webmasters will find it difficult to remain in the shadows.

    I think that there will be a lot of registration regrets, maybe not today or tomorrow, but some day.


    • “If you own a .xxx (other than for defensive purposes), you are deeply involved in porn,”

      @ Ms Domainer

      With all due respect, that is a downright illogical (and laughable) statement. I own a bunch of psychology-related domain names, and I am certainly not a psychologist.

  16. Toys R US are used to UDRP, I bet that will be one of the first domains to be taken away through WIPO.
    That is you don’t get sued.

  17. I agree about the being a liability and a waste of time. It has 2 hyphens in it for crying out loud. And you thought this one would make you the most money? lol

    I’d drop it or you’ll probably end up getting a letter from the legal dept at Toys R Us. Or you can just ignore our advice and learn for yourself.

    @Ms Domainer – who says all .XXX sites are specific to porn? I thought it was adult related sites containing x rated content in general. Adult content doesn’t have to be images, it can be forums or blogs that talk about x-rated topics. In your eyes anyone who even speaks of x rated content is going to hell I guess…

  18. @Lois – I truly thought you were being sarcastic when you said you bought ten xxx domains and the best one is toys-r-us … I STILL think you might be messing with us because I just can’t imagine anyone being that foolish.

    I try to picture myself 15 years ago when I was just purchasing my first domains, and I really don’t think that even then I would have been that blind. I bought some really, really dumb domains (especially considering what was available) … but hyphenated, tm’d, .xxx for $100 lol!!!!!


  19. Elliot
    re your comment:

    “Cowards like you”

    @ AustraliaHouses

    **Calling someone a coward for being anonymous is a bit hypocritical from someone also using a pseudonym, no?

    You are incorrect in your assumption. I am not anonymous, clicking through on my name ‘AustraliaHouses’ brings one to my home for sale.

    Also my handle here, as on other sites, is a way for me to highlight my property for sale.

    You are also incorrect for assuming that I said ‘domain’ was a coward for being anonymous; not so, I called him a coward – and he is obviously a male – not for being anonymous, but for spewing his, as you labelled it, ‘crude’, irrelevant bile towards women, on a forum I had thought was supposed to be an intelligent analysis of domains.

    Or am I wrong in thinking that?

    **I think “domain”‘s comment was c/rude, but not violent in any way.

    Elliot, as you and I are not women who have suffered emotional/verbal/physical/sexual abuse at the hands of men like ‘domain’ who so obviously hate women, I respectfully respond by saying, you are also wrong on this point.

    As I said, I thought this space was for intelligent discourse, not a place where hate speech is tolerated.

  20. @AustraliaHouses violent? Go see a shrink and learn things in life. Are you fucking dumb? Your offended by vibrator? Most women have one. Get a clue. Fuck off.

    Ms Domainer is just jealous of hot women in porn. I don’t care for her outspoken language against porn. She also loves complaining about things. I don’t need her preach either what’s right or wrong. Simple as that.

  21. A funny thing seems to have happened over the weekend. I thought about posting a domain I purchased ( so I checked out Sedo and GoDaddy.

    Before posting, I wanted to see what xxx names have already been posted. On Saturday, it seemed possible to search for domain names being sold with “.xxx” extensions on both sites (as a side note, many of the names listed for top dollars were very bad).

    I checked again recently today and it seems I cannot search domain names selling with the “.xxx” extensions. Is it just me or have Sedo and GoDaddy been told that it’s too soon?


  22. @Elliot

    As Shakespeare said: ‘Only a fool gives another fool the time of day.’

    So I won’t be wasting my time with fools.

    But as to you Elliot, your defence of ‘domain’ seems rather misguided now doesn’t it.

    Your silence, or reluctance, to moderate such hate speech on this site of yours is disappointing.

    • @ Australia

      Here in the USA, we have something called freedom of speech, and I give people the opportunity to say what they want as long as it’s not threatening others or actual “hate speech.” For example, Wikipedia defines hate speech as “In law, hate speech is any speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display which is forbidden because it may incite violence or prejudicial action against or by a protected individual or group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected individual or group. ”

      Domain said “get a vibrator” or something like that, and in my book, that’s not hate speech. If that’s too much for you to handle, I agree that you shouldn’t waste your time here.

  23. Hey all. Did any of you register .XXX suffix domains. ?

    It’s extremely expensive to do so.

    I dont Think i will pay 80$ Per year for a .xxx …

    Google’s SafeSearch filters will also block it…

    I’d be curious to know how well they are going to rank. ?

  24. Ms Domainer is entitled to her views. My own view is that sex and visual stimulation are natural and that the only thing wrong with porn is when its workers are exploited and children are unwittingly exposed to it. That’s a result of criminalisation and lax regulation, which is why I support .xxx domains because it *potentially* can lead to more oversight of website content. If Google’s SafeSearch filters block them, that’s great and it will hopefully mean that people who visit them actually did so by choice.

    I picked up six .xxx domains in the last few days (as a result of my own ignorance I missed the pre-registrations). The best one I got is probably (pictures in Italian). Will it get traffic? Well my plan atm is to park it, so I’m not expecting Google will list it – it’s type-in I’m after. A lot will come down to market awareness of the extension, which could take a while to develop I reckon (maybe a long time or even never in some countries).

  25. Precisely what I did. If anyone has an interest in these domains, either let me know or find them on sedo:

  26. I’m glad to read that the .XXX domains can’t be sold for 60 days from registration. This may explain why, of the approximately 1,500 .XXX domain names listed at GoDaddy Auctions, there is not a single bid. O.K., well, there is one bid for $10.00 on a domain name I can’t remember. None the less, there isn’t really any traffic either. In fact, as of today (Jan. 2, 2012), of the tens of thousands of domain names listed for Auction on (all tld extensions), the highest bid was below $8,000 U.S. (assuming I did the search filters correctly). That’s not very impressive.

  27. I bought ( sex shop- not looking for a lawsuit like Lois )

    All .xxx and for sale!!

    I agree with many points on this site and just think that it’s
    up to you wether you want to click the links on any porn site.
    People have to take responsibility for themselves and stop lashing
    Out at other people for their own views and opinions. Hats off if you
    bought the extensions or not. .xxx is here to stay and offers have came in on some of my names… The freeze is on so I sit and wait to see if they will sell for the asking prices…Ps, I don’t own porn in any form, I own the sites and sex sells wether we like it or not, I like how it sells!!

  28. Jakal are you kidding ?

    You really think it’s okay to register and that it’s not similar to a well-known trademark ?
    Really think it’s not going to cause you trouble ?
    Think about it, when you are UDRPed, how are going to explain why you settled on that particular name ?
    Never ever heard about toys R us ?

    You just wasted 1K on worthless domains. if I were you, I would try to get a refund (grace delete) asap.

  29. Dear Kate; I did not waste 1000, some of these sites I have had appraised and let me tell you before you waste your time typing another pointless post; I have it covered sweetie!!

  30. Paid appraisals are worthless. Believe what you want, they don’t make bad names look good or sell better. You clearly are confused as to what makes a domain valuable.
    Good luck with your upcoming UDRP.

  31. Oh one more thing Kate well I have your attention, I cannot get sued if this monkey didn’t!!

    PMS, sorry, Ps; I am not going to put up naked Barbie and Ken dolls or try to sell freakin vibrating glitter book markers…


    Take care

  32. I have to agree with Kate on one thing Jakal, those domain names are worthless. I’ll be watching these in the next year to see if you at least get your money back.

  33. @ Elliot. Thanks for your quick response. Why? Well, it appears that currently there are no available domain names with the single word “Busty” other than the those with compound extensions. I realize this is about to change as more extensions become available. Howefver, might be good for a site featuring women from Mexico, for instance. I’d appreciate your thoughts on its value– even if you feel it’s worthless. Thanks again.

  34. @ David

    I have no experience with .mx names and don’t know the market. I can’t imagine that an English word (that isn’t a really strong keyword at that) would have much value in mx.

  35. Well big church?? How long ago did you buy it?
    I gave Adultcareers, KINKYfetish, gothgirls, gay girl, killing, breaking, sunlight and smiling plus a few others… We will have to see if people bite.. It’s better then just leaving the money in bank. Also, if someone spent their last 75 on a name thinking they are going to make a quick buck they are wrong or lucky. I have some good valued names but like I said, it’s a gamble! I just wish the ICM would try to make it bigger as they already sucked the money out of people who didn’t want their name used, but they also were pushing the fact that this is the new porn side of the Internet. I honestly, even have bought a bunch of names, have yet to see this light! Anyone know something about a push, anything?

  36. IN addition to the ones listed below, just won in an auction.

    Anyone with an interest in the following 1 or 2 KW niche .xxx domain names feel free to email me or initiate via Sedo. Each are strong niches with sologirl being a very popular top category that could easily be built out. Getting good direct type in numbers. Global Search Traffic: 9k+ for “sologirl” 60K+ “solo girl” Global Search Traffic: 60.5K “first porn” Huge potential as site can be built out by states and even by countries. Global Search Traffic: Over 12K exact searches and near $2 cpc. Getting good direct type in numbers.

  37. I have:

    I’d consider selling as portfolio for $10,000 U.S.

    I think this is a reasonable price, but not sure. What do you all think. ??



  38. I have and would love to make this an adult version of Facebook. Any web design helpers out there? This site would contain cams, sex blogs, sex tips and games. obviously profiles and pics. Legal has to be done but this would be free to join but all the little extras would cost a bit per month to use. Example; cam and pic swap. No right click saving allowed. Sell add’s for other .xxx sites.. Facialbook would be a gold mind with the right help!! Any takers??? Or advice. Positive advice I mean.



    400 000 exact match monthly searches for “filmes porno” in Google only

    5 000 000 exact match monthly searches for
    “film streaming” in Google only


    .xxx is like the adult section in a video store.

    It’s like the Playboy channel, Playboy magazine, Strip Clubs, Sex Shops…

    A video store is like a familly restaurant with an adult section.

    Soon we’ll have strip clubs in grocery stores.

    Unlike the grocery stores, the restaurants and the video stores, the Internet is big and I think having an adult section on the Internet is nothing compared to having a strip club on Main Street.


  40. David: you have some really good names. Jackpot, playdate, cherries etc, I think there are some great potential sales. I also wonder how long it I going to take for ICM to start producing more info on where these sites are going… Is there money in it for anybody else besides the registrars ??

  41. @ Jackal…I like the idea of an adult version of Facebook. is a good name for it. But, frankly, there doesn’t seem to be much, if any, of a wholesale market for these .XXX names. If you check out the online auctions at, of the 1,000+ .XXX domains there, maybe 3 have a bid, and NONE have sold there (to my knowledge). I listed Cherries.XXX; Tats.XXX; AmatuerGirls.XXX; MFM.XXX; Jackpot.XXX and others– with “buy now” prices of $1,000 each. Received absolute zero activity. At this point, I’m thinking I’d just like my $1,200 back that I spent on the 12 .XXX names I have registered! Wish I had better news.

  42. David; I think it’s going to take a bit before people are going to catch on. There has to be a market made so I think to get it going we as domain owners have to start the hype. We have them to buy but if there is nothing on these pages to view, no one is going to check them out…. I know facialbook would do well, just need some help!

    I also have

    And I think by having these pages put together and useful
    For the industry as a new avenue of porn we can benefit
    By more then just an auction…

    Maybe we can put all these sites on one page David??

  43. Wishful thinking going on here.
    Domainers never had any influence over consumer choices.

    It’s very hard to sell stuff nobody wants.
    And it’s already hard enough to sell good .com domains.

    That’s the problem when you buy .xxx domains, you must be the end user or you’ll be left holding the bag.

  44. I’m already getting fairly good direct type in numbers for one of my one word niche .xxx domains. To me this signifies that people are catching on to the presence of these domains. I think a lot have no idea about .xxx though perhaps they heard about it and just forgot. With time though, this will change and it will be the go-to for many. But, this could take time. If though you have strong one or two word niche .xxx domains, it should be of interest to people out there. I will be developing out my main one word soon as I’ve seen good type in interest.

    Here are just a few of mine. Note that these are popular niche subjects. Some are one word. Getting good direct type in numbers. Global Search Traffic: 9k+ for “sologirl” 60K+ “solo girl” Global Search Traffic: 60.5K “first porn” Huge potential as site can be built out by states and even by countries. Global Search Traffic: Over 12K exact searches and near $2 cpc. Getting good direct type in numbers.

  45. At this point, I’d strongly consider $2,000 for the portfolio of 12 domain names below: if there’s any interest.



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