Oftentimes, trademark holders and domain owners or investors have opposing viewpoints on domain ownership. Both parties frequently feel that they have the right to specific domain names, and the battles to get them can either be fought through a mediation-esque procedure like UDRP or through the legal system.
Recently, Sedo along with Google, Yahoo, Overstock.com and Research In Motion were nominated for a 2010 World Trademark Review (WTR) Industry Award for Internet & Online Services in the category of Legal Team of the Year. According to the press release I received, Sedo was nominated “for its ability to educate and counsel businesses on how to protect their own intellectual property (IP) rights and expand their brands online.”
Sedo has been in the middle of many high profile public domain sales, and they have also acted as the broker for a significant amount of private domain sales that will never be reported. Many of these sales are made between trademark interests and domain owners, and the company is able to work out a fair agreement between differing philosophical opinions on domain ownership rights.
There are many groups that work for and with trademark interests, and some seem to prefer to bully and battle domain owners rather than work together with them. Sedo seems to be bridging the gap between trademark holders and their interests, and domain owners and investors.
LOL Hasn’t sedo been named in domain trademark lawsuits ?
@ Really
Not sure.