Pending Sale on DNForum

Aside from a few three letter .com domain names, I haven’t seen many high value domain names sold on DNForum  lately. was originally listed for sale in the offers wanted sale section on DNForum in March of 2013. San Marino is a country located near Italy, and it has a population of just over 30,000 people. San Marino is also a city in California with a population of just under 15,000 residents.

At the time the domain name was listed for sale by “Rico,” neither a purchase price nor an offer range were given. In mid-May, a buy it now price of $110,000 was listed by the owner, and he continued to update the sale listing to let people know he was continuing to accept offers. It does not appear that he publicly updated the BIN price for the domain name since pricing it in May.

Yesterday afternoon, a DNForum user “JohnZ” updated the thread to announce that the domain name is pending sale and that it has gone into escrow. I reached out to Rico for a comment on the sale price and will update this article if I hear back from him. The buyer has been a member of DNForum since 2002, and it appears he has successfully completed deals with other members in the past.

Since this is somewhat of an older thread, I don’t know if the deal was made on DNForum or if the buyer and seller agreed to have the thread updated to provide closure. If I hear back from the seller, I will try to get that information as well.

I don’t really think of domain forums as great venues to sell high value domain names, but this illustrates that there are people who visit the forums who spend significant amounts of money to buy good domain names. I think this is an obvious fact, but it’s always good for people to see it on their own.

Thanks to Jeff for letting me know about this.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. This is NO 100K domain, not even half that.. Don’t be surprised if this sold in the 30K range or less.

    Which leads to my next question, why is this news?

    • Because it’s my blog and I choose what gets posted 😉

      I should have known you’d be attracted to a post about DN Forum.

      It’s of interest because there aren’t a ton of high value sales on DNF, and this is one of the highest sales I’ve seen there in a long time.

  2. I agree with Elliot, thought this was good news for domains and since changed hands, I have not seen many pure domains past year being sold. Also any xx, xxx sales on a domain forum is good and does not happen on a regular basis.

    Raider- whats your point?

  3. The point? The point is that NO sale price was posted in this article or announced that we know of, and yet it’s made to look like a HUGE Geo domain sale took place on DNF.. LMAO!

    How many times have we seen sellers asking $100k-$500K and selling below 10K? quite a few.. My guess is this one is no different, settled for substantially lower than the asking or BIN price. Without a sale price, I think Elliot jumped the gun on this one.

    But I will agree with him that forums are NOT the place to sell high valued domains, their merely venues for resellers looking to buy/sell for quick and cheap, that’s why the majority of domains you see on forums are so crappy.

    Fact that SanMarino was listed on a forum shows the owner was desperate for a quick sale, Desperate = Negotiable.

    • “How many times have we seen sellers asking $100k-$500K and selling below 10K?”

      I don’t know, but my guess is that you have no idea either. I don’t recall seeing very many $100-500k listings in quite some time, and I certainly don’t recall seeing any that sell for $10k. I am not sure how you’d track that kind of action since it doesn’t seem like you’re someone who spends much time on DNF.

      I’ve listed plenty of names on DNF and I am not close to “desperate.”

  4. Where is the sale price Elliot?

    You posted in your own words; ” this is one of the highest sales I’ve seen there in a long time”

    And yet you have no idea what the sale price was.

    • I monitor what sells there, and I know what I would pay for it (mid $xx,xxx) so that makes me comfortable saying that it’s “one of the highest sales I’ve seen there in a long time.”

      It IS one of the highest sales that I’ve personally seen there in a long time. There is no question about that. I haven’t seen many high value domain names sell there.

      I don’t know what your problem with DNForum is (nor do I care), but this is clearly my opinion and there isn’t anything you’re going to say that will change that.

  5. This has nothing to do with DNF or myself and yet your trying to make it about just that, detraction? most likely… Publishing a sale and claiming it’s “High priced” without knowing what the price is? and your justifying it by ASSUMING what it’s worth? really?.. I used to respect you.

  6. Not about winning or losing Elliot, we all make mistakes now and then, admitting when it happens without letting your ego get in the way would have been the right thing to do.

    @ Jeff

    Yep, I’m jealous, you see I’ve never sold a domain and it hurts when I see somebody sell one for $?,??? or $??,??? or $???,??? like SanMarino did, Staggering GEO sale I admit, and it all happened on DNF, who would have thought?.

    I’m going to have to sign up there again and post my GEO’s with high BINS, maybe I’ll get lucky and sell one like SanMarino, but I won’t post how much, I’ll let expert bloggers like Elliot GUESS, and maybe I’ll have my name published here, or even be inducted into the DHF, “Domainer Hall of Fame” my life long dream. 🙂

    • What you don’t seem to understand is that this is my opinion based on my personal observations.

      Give it a rest.

      What are some of your geodomain names? If you have city, state, or country exact match .com domain names, I am in the market and you know how to reach me. I assume you don’t because I’d probably know you, but that’s besides the point.

  7. U got one big ego Raider. Maybe your jealous of peoples sales. Maybe u just don’t get it. Who knows but dude you surly don’t know how to say congratulations and move on.

    This is news. IMO. Congratulations to both parties.

  8. And you got one big hole in your head Jeff, but then again your the dupe who reported the UNDISCLOSED sale in first place correct? and Elliot decided to run with it.

    Here we have 2 gullible idiots who have NO clue what the domain sold for OR even IF the sale completed and your making a story out of it, like it’s some kind of groundbreaking sale never before seen on a domain forum.

    San Marino, Population 32,000 and you believe it sold for 6 figures?


  9. This conversation is example number one of the difference between having a blog that represents yourself and having a blog that now represents the masses. There clearly now has to be a point where this conversation has to end because you now represent us all. Unfortunately the Domain Investing name carries a much larger responsibility.

    • I am not looking to represent anyone other than myself, just like Mike Berkens isn’t trying to do that with TheDomains brand.

      That said, I probably shouldn’t engage people like that.

  10. This conversation is also proof positive that any amateur can have a blog.

    Anyone who thinks this domain sold for anywhere near 6 figures is NO expert, far from it.. Most likely sold in the mid x,xxx range.


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