I bid in auctions on most of the major auction platforms, including on DropCatch.com. This afternoon while checking out some of the auctions there, I noticed an interesting auction for a domain name with 42 characters and 5 hyphens: OHSAS-18001-OCCUPATIONAL-HEALTH-AND-SAFETY.COM. Wow – that is a pretty hefty domain name.

I followed the auction as it was closing, and it looks like the domain name sold for $420. There were 8 bidders who placed 18 bids during the course of the auction. Not surprisingly, it looks like the .com is the only extension registered for this particular phrase.

I would imagine this has to be one of the highest selling domain names of this length and with this many hyphens, aside from brandable names that have hyphens between each letter. I presume the team at NameBio could probably say where this domain name ranks in terms of length and hyphenation amongst other sales like it.

An Archive.org entry likely reveals why this domain name was of interest to multiple bidders: the domain name was once used as a website covering “Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series.” A Wikipedia page likely has more information about the topic.

My assumption is that there is presumably traffic and/or backlinks for this domain name, and that is why it has value. I don’t generally buy domain names based on these factors, so I couldn’t really say whether or not this was a good deal for those purposes. In any case, it is always interesting to follow auctions like these.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. A FOOL (or FOOLS in this case) and his money is easily departed.

    It’s 2017 and still people don’t get it.

  2. That was actually a rather good price for a very strong domain with more than 10k links and 600 referring domains. (provided it hasn’t dropped before and been used for spam. I didn’t have the energy to check WBM)

    The price could easily have doubled with the rights buyers


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