Nearly one year ago, Charlotte Gilbert (known as Charlie to her friends and family), passed away after a long battle with Pulmonary Hypertension. Charlie had a double transplant (heart and lungs) and bravely fought for her life with her husband Brian by her side. Sadly, she was taken far too soon. I learned of Charlie’s passing earlier this year as I was getting ready to head home from NamesCon.
Last Friday, NamesCon announced that the NamesCon Global agenda had been posted online. Although the agenda seems to be in a rough draft state, the outline lists the various panels and keynotes. I was happy to see that NamesCon will be hosting a memorial for Charlie on Thursday, January 30th at 4pm.
At the time of publication, there are no details listed about this event, nor is there information about who will be speaking to honor Charlie’s memory. The session is scheduled for prior to the NamesCon auction.
Charlie is missed by all, particularly for her wicked sense of humor. I am glad to see that NamesCon organizers have reserved some time for Charlie’s friends to memorialize her.
This is so awesome! How I loved that girl!!
This is so great, I’m so happy to hear about this. Charlie was always the friendliest, funniest, and happiest person in the room and she’s missed by so many. It’s so great to see her honored in this way.
I was honoured to call Charlie a friend. She was truly the nicest, funniest, most genuine person anyone could meet. I will never forget you and we will do you proud at Namescon. #ForCharlie
Great to hear of this. Charlie was hoot and sorely missed. Werd up to NamesCon for doing this.
Few known for such a short time have such a huge impact. She was truly a wonderful spirit.