A couple of months ago, I wanted to check on the hours of Make Meaning, a once popular and growing children’s shop where I previously took our daughter to make custom candles. Unfortunately, my Google searching revealed that the retail chain had shut all of its locations. The company had used MakeMeaning.com for its corporate website when it was operational.
Fast forward to earlier this past week. While looking through auctions at GoDaddy Auctions, I noticed the MakeMeaning.com domain name expired and was coming up for auction. The domain name was sold this afternoon for just $710. There were 26 bids placed on the auction.
Prior to closing its stores, Make Meaning had received substantial funding. Crunchbase lists two funding rounds worth $15.8 million. I did some Google searching, and I don’t see any articles addressing the store’s closure beyond some review and location websites mentioning that it closed.
Make Meaning was a neat store for parents and kids. I can see what appears to be a dead trademark for “Make Meaning,” and without a background in TM or IP law, I couldn’t speculate about whether someone could use the domain name to re-create a similar brand. Whatever the case, it was a bit surprising to see that domain name drop, especially when I had recently looked up the shop.
Great memories for you, Elliot, but not a great domain. Wouldn’t even reg it.
I will take it for free though. When a domain is really bad I won’t even take it for free, but this one is not all bad.
Disclaimer: all these thoughts are as an end user with no thought for resale.
That is the going rate these days, add in HugeDomains proxy bids, you paying 3-4 figures for anything, and everything.
How about InsigniaBank.com. They went under. I checked the trademarks. Bought it cheap. Worth what?
No idea, but an appraisal thread on NamePros would be a better place to ask what your domain name is worth.