Important Consideration when Reading Domain Blogs

I think one of the best developments in the domain investment space in the last five years is the emergence of domain blogs. Some may say there are too many, but I think the variety is great. We can read different perspectives, advice, and news from a number of sources. Just a few years ago, there were only a few blogs, and shortly before that, there weren’t any.

One thing you’ve noticed is the differing opinions and advice shared by the bloggers you read. Some (like myself) invest in domain names for a full time living while others invest as a hobby to supplement their income. In addition, bloggers earn money in different ways, and our backgrounds are diverse. This gives each of us a unique perspective when we write.

There are any ways to make money from domain investing. Some ways are risky (financially and/or legally), some are time intensive, and some require little time investment. Every investor needs to determine the best way for him or her based on his or her personal interests and economics.

Just about all of us who blog earn money in different ways through domain investments. As a reader you need to evaluate whether someone’s methods would work for you, and you need to be able to adapt when necessary to adjust based on your personal interests.

This is a great business for many reasons, but one of the biggest is the amount of opportunity that
still exists for people of all backgrounds. When you are reading the blogs, you need to remember there are many ways to become rich via domain names, and each of us has our own objectives and strategies, and even if they appear to contradict each other, it doesn’t mean someone is right and someone is wrong.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


    • Absolutely, and that’s one of the best things about industry blogs.

      However, it drives me nuts when I see someone vehemently disagreeing with someone else who is making money and telling them that their way of working is wrong simply because they do something different. People often don’t seem to understand that there are many ways to make money in this business.

    • Elliot & Shane,

      I was introduced to Shane’s blog from Elliot’s and read both almost on a daily basis. If I had to describe me as an domain investor- I would be more of a collector-.

      That being said both of you have influenced me to start writing a bit about my experiences with domains at the above address. Even though it is new- I hope in the future to contribute to the conversation around investing/collecting domains.

      All the Best,


  1. Elliot and Shane,

    Since you two both blog about domains, I was wondering when you both started blogging. I mean did you blog before you started investing in domain names? Or did you first make a couple of sales and then decide to start a blog. I am thinking of starting a blog myself so just curious.

  2. My favorite part about the domainer blogs is how the guy who makes the most money of the lot has the absolute worst blog and some of the weakest insight, even though he is completely unaware of that hahaha, boy the 1990s sure did mint some rich idiots.


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