Earlier this evening, GoDaddy hosted a Google+ Hangout to discuss buying domain names on the company’s aftermarket. GoDaddy’s Joe Styler and Brian Cowen participated in the Hangout, and the video of the Hangout has been posted below for your viewing.
The primary topics of this Hangout were to discuss buying valuable domain names via the GoDaddy aftermarket. Specifically, the duo discussed:
- What makes up the GoDaddy aftermarket
- What makes a domain name valuable
- Live domain name valuations / appraisals
People posed questions and domain names were submitted for a live off the cuff valuation. If you didn’t have a chance to watch or participate live in the GoDaddy Google Plus hangout and you want to ask some questions, you are welcome to submit them below. I will let Joe Styler know there are questions if that is the case, and hopefully he will be able to find the time to answer them.
Here’s the video of tonight’s GoDaddy Aftermarket Hangout:
Interesting discussion (particularly the hard question about Godaddy backorders generally not capturing competitive drops)…Thanks for sharing!
Joe can pass as Carson Daly’s long lost brother. He looks and sounds just like him. New show name, Last Call with Joe Styler. 🙂
Thanks for the article. I am happy to answer questions from anyone. That is until I get that new show started with Carson Daly :).
We are planning on doing some additional hangouts and going deeper into the topics of, valuation, backorders, selling names, buying as investments, domain buy Service, etc and having guests so you don’t just have to listen to me and Brian.
If anyone has any suggestions for topics they would like us to cover please let me know.